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Q: Why is it that for some countries the higher the infant mortality rate the lower the literacy?
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What is the infant mortality rate in Europe?

The average of European countries infant mortality rate is 4.2 deaths per 1000 live births.

What indicators which shows that a certain society is developing economically?

a few might be the literacy rate has gone up, the poverty levels have decreased, less unemployment, higher infant mortality.

How are a country's infant mortality and literacy related?

they are related by how many timies the women gets pregant in her life time.

Infant Mortality Rate in south Africa?

South Asia has an infant mortality rate of 51.64 deaths per 1000 live births but Africa is higher at 61.

What are some similarities and differences between US and Latin America?

Central America is a developing world and has high infant mortality rates. The US is a developed country with low infant mortality rates. The literacy level in Central America (as a whole) is very low compared to the United States. Although, Costa Rica has a high literacy rate. In general, Costa Rica is an expecption from other Central American countries because of the tourism.

What are some similarities and differences between US and Central America?

Similarities include both regions having diverse cultures, economies dependent on agriculture and tourism, and facing issues such as crime and inequality. Differences include that the US has a more developed economy and infrastructure, while Central America tends to have a younger population and faces more challenges related to political instability and natural disasters.

Which is the race that has the higher infant mortality?

African Americans have an infant mortality rate twice that of whites. The rate is 13.3 deaths to 6.7 deaths per 1000 live births.

What causes of infant mortality rate?

Infant mortality is how many children die before the age of 5. It is measured by Amount of children dying per 1000 people. A low infant mortality rate is common in more developed countries where health care and simple things such as diet are good. However a high infant mortality rate would be common in underdeveloped countries which have bad health care and food is hard to get hold of. Generally countries in Africa will have a high infant mortality rate as the countries are poorer. So a high/large infant mortality rate is basically a lot of children dying before the age of five per 1000 people.

Can a country's infant mortality rate be higher than its crude birth rate?


Which of the SAARC countries has the highest infant mortality rate?

it's Pakistan

What is the infant mortality rates in the Philippines?

In 2008, 26 infants died per 1000 live births. The infant mortality rate in the Philippines is about 35 deaths per 1,000 live births. This number varies and those mothers with little education run a higher risk of infant mortality. The Infant Mortality Rate in the Philippines was 24 per 1,000 livebirths in 2006.

Can you use infant mortality in a sentence?

"Infant mortality rates are high in India" "The infant mortality rate is 2 out of every 1000 live births"