

Why is it that women don't ovulate in a long time?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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18y ago

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Could be the beginning of menopause or a hormone imbalance.

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Q: Why is it that women don't ovulate in a long time?
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Is it possible for a child to get pregnant before they start their period?

Yes, women ovulate BEFORE each period, so even before the first time we have our period, we ovulate. There is always that chance that they are about to start. (Ovulating is when the egg comes down)

Do you ovulate at the exact same time every month with a regular period... Is is possible to be a few days early or late with regards to ovulation?

Most women do not ovulate on the same day each month but rather around the same day. There is a very easy way to learn when you ovulate. See related link.

How soon do you ovulate after pregnancy?

You do not ovulate after pregnancy. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the body naturally stops ovulating and begins the process for creating the pathway for the baby to be born. If women could ovulate during pregnancy, that would mean pregnant women still participating in sex, which some do, could get pregnant, and have a full grown and half grown fetus at the same time. Imagine how complicated birth would be!

Can women get pregnant after single day of period?

Yes, you can even get pregnant before the first time you get your period since you ovulate before you start bleeding.

Can women can become pregnant at any time during their menstruation?

No, a woman cannot get pregnant during menstruation as there is no egg present to fertilise. However a woman may be fertile during menstruation, meaning that sperm may survive long enough in the vagina to still be around by the time she does ovulate.

How likely are you to get pregnant when ovulating?

Depends on the circumstances of the penis. Was there precum? Maybe. Was there ejaculation? The chances are greater that you get pregnant during your ovulation, but some women get pregnant anytime of the month. well, just think of it this way--when you ovulate is in fact the ONLY time in which you can get pregnant. and it is possible to ovulate at any time.

How can you tell if you ovulate early?

Ovulation occurs about two weeks before your period. And during the time of ovulation is when you can get pregnant. So essentially ovulation causes pregnancy if the egg is properly fertilized.

What does it mean when your new to getting your period and don't get it monthly?

It just means it's irregular or not as frequent as in other women. You don't menstruate until you ovulate, and you don't ovulate until your body is physically able to cope with pregnancy - it takes time for your body to mature enough physically to ovulate on a regular basis. Don't expect regular cycles until adulthood.

How common is it to fall pregnant during mid cycle with condom breaking?

Well, your prime time for pregnancy is around 14 days after your period. That is usually when most women ovulate.

When is it best for a man to get a woman pregnant?

Women ovulate (release eggs) 2 weeks from the first day of their last period so this would be the best time to attempt conception.

How do you know when you ovaluate?

You ovulate around day 14 of your cycle. The first day of your period is day 1 then count 14 days and that is usually the time. There is also a thicker clear discharge when you ovulate. Some women experience a slight pain in either side when the ovary releases and egg.

When did you ovulate if your last cycle was 35 days and this time it was 27 days?

Most women ovulate 14-16 days BEFORE a period so if yours have suddenly become irregular it is going to be difficult to predict. This might help