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Aside from steaming, a directional spray incorporated into the front of the iron can be handy on stubborn creases.

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Q: Why is it useful for a steam iron to have a spray button?
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What is the steam spray iron?

An iron that uses steam to make to fabric more malleable before heating it to flatten it out

What temperature does silk on an iron get?

Steam it lightly. If your iron doesn't have a steam setting, use a spray bottle to spray water on the material before ironing. Iron on the side that faces in.

What gases are in a home?

deodorant spray, air, steam (in iron), wind (from fan). air freshener, etc.

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If the crayons have melted then open a window maybe spray some air freshener and hope for the best, and if that doesn't work get your car cleaned (that is if the catagorie this questions is under is right).

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Iron is to shirt as steam is to pants.

What happens when you mix iron with steam?

Iron is corroded in steam.

When using starch should iron be on steam or dry?

soak the clothes in water with starch(mixed and boiled) or spray lightly the surface of the clothes before ironing.

How do you clean a burned iron?

To clean a steam iron use white vinegar, the same as you would to clean a coffee pot. Fill the resiviour with a half water half vinegar solution, let it heat, then push the steam button until the resiviour is half empty.the dump out the rest and rinse the resiviour 4-5 times with clean water pushing the stream button until the steam no longer smells like vinegar......viola you have a clean iron!

Can you iron silk?

Yes you can i so it to my jumper all the time

How does a steam iron work what components does it contain?

An electric iron is merely a resistance element built into a casting (normally aluminum) - the soleplate. A steam iron works by facilitating the controlled release of water onto the heated soleplate. As you know, this happens by pressing a button on top of the iron handpiece. When the button is pressed it opens a 'tapered needle valve' which then releases water from a water reservoir. This water slowly dribbles onto the soleplate. The soleplate will have been treated with a suitable surface treatment (that affects the surface tension of the water) causing it to instantly vaporize, which is the steam that is then vented through the small holes you can see in the soleplate.

When was the steam iron invented?

The standard iron for clothing was created by Henry Seeley in 1882. It was the Eldec Company that created the steam iron in 1926.

Can you steam iron PVC?
