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Q: Why is it when you first start lifting weights you feel fat?
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What does it mean when you feel the burn after lifting weights?

That you had a successful training

Why is it bad to do weights as a tennager?

Because teenagers are still growing and lifting weights can stop their growth. If you start bodybuilding, then be careful and consult a doctor when you feel something is not right. Don't hurt yourself.

How can I get back to exercise fitness?

If you are starting to exercise after many years you need to start off slow. Whatever you do, do not over do it the first week or so. Start off with stretches. Once you feel comfortable you can move into lifting weights; start small and then work yourself up. After weights, try to end your exercise with at least 10 minutes cardio. Cardio is anything like walking, running, bike riding, etc.

When can you start lifting weights after pulling shoulder muscle?

Let your body tell you. You should be able to use other muscles, especially in the lower body right away. Gradually work some shoulder movements in and see how you feel.

Why do people vomit when lifting weights?

Make sure you're breathing properly and not holding your breath while lifting. If your body can not clear the lactic acid out quickly enough because there is no oxygen because you're holding your breath, you could feel like throwing up. Most of the time though you'd feel pretty dizzy first as a sign you need to start breathing right. But people throw up because there pushing there body's to the limit.

Is weight lifting good for you?

YES! Lifting weights makes you stronger, and builds muscle. The additional muscle will cause your body to burn more calories all day long. You will also feel better and be more confident in life.

When to start bodybuilding?

Whenever you feel like it and feel like you are getting alot fatter than you are or you woulnd be wanting to lift weights.

Can someone help you improve your vertical by at least a foot in about 5 months?

The easiest way to increase your vertical is to just wear ankle weights and do a lot of training with those on. Start with low weights at first and after a few weeks go up by a few pounds. You might feel dorky wearing them but after taking off some 8 or 10 pound ankle weights you feel like you can fly when you jump. Hope this helps, good luck.

How do you start weight lifting?

You start off light don't over due it when I started I began with some nice reasonable weight and went for high reps to get the muscles used to the resistance as you advance you should keep increasing your weight once you feel more ease with your reps increase the weight. And take good supplements like protein powder and eat healthy all of this is key.

How can you tell which size exercise weights to use?

Start with the lightest to test and gradually work up. The weights should be a challenge, but not heavy enough to strain too much. When the weight that was a challenge starts to feel light, then it is time to move up to a new and higher weight.

When exercising if there's no pain there's no gain?

Not necesarily, some times when you run your upper body hurts yes. But your working you leg muscles so they start to fell weak and wobbly. You feel the pain after words like when you awake the next morning, so it wouldn't be the same as lifting dumbell weights, where as your arm is constantly doing the motion and the lactic acid starts to give a kind of burning sensation.

Do you stop growing if you lift weights at a young age?

no. it in fact encourages growth. i started training when i was 16 and actually got taller as a result. even when i was 11 i lifted weights sometimes and i was still the tallest kid in my grade. still am :)