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no. it in fact encourages growth. i started training when i was 16 and actually got taller as a result. even when i was 11 i lifted weights sometimes and i was still the tallest kid in my grade. still am :)

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13y ago
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15y ago

When I was 13 I started pre-freshman football lifting. We max out every 6 weeks. At 13 I was 5ft and I have been lifting weights since and am 5ft 3 at 14 years old. I know it isn't a huge gain but my parents aren't that tall. In fact, genetics are what make you short. Not coffee or lifting weights most of those are myths. I squat 265 yet still grow even though people say squatting stunts growth. Your best bet is to get your forms down before you try to max out or do heavy weight. Benching is shoulders and will not affect your growth. It is healthy to lift weights but since your 12 I would focus on form and repetition before maxing. You should feel stiff or sore after you start lifting which means you worked your body more than it is used too. Use spotters when using free weights!

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9y ago

It may not stunt your growth, however, you have to really careful that you don't tear ligaments or tendons. You may want to ask your coach or trainer the correct way of lifting weights.

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12y ago

it isn't true because your body hormones still increase that age and that age is barely going through puberty and still have a while to make your body grow to its perminante length.

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12y ago

Not nessaserily... GAH SUCK AT SPELLING D:

BUT! It sometimes makes people appear smaller, as thin people appear taller =3

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14y ago

No, this is a myth. The idea was that it could damage the ends of the bones which are still growing, but this has never been documented. Lifting weights (correctly) has only positive effects.

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13y ago

it can if you do it too excessively but i started when i was fourteen and i am now sixteen and i still managed to grow from 5 foot eight to six foot two.

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14y ago

No, that is a myth. Weight training will not stunt your growth. However, that does not mean that it is advisable before the age of about 16.

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Q: Do you stop growing if you lift weights at a young age?
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Does height stops if you do push ups?

no push ups and any other workout will not stop ur height. only if you wre 2 lift heavy weights thn u would stop growing.

I'm Eleven and I'm quite tall and strong. I want to do weights but Im afraid I'll stop growing. Is it ok to lift weights when your eleven?

I'm 13 and I've been lifting heavy weights for a year and it hasn't stunted my growth so you will be fine

Can people stop growing taller by lifting weights?

People do not stop growing by lifting weights. It was believed that weight lifting damaged the growth plates and stunted growth. It CAN happen, but only with very heavy weights, such as sets of 3-5 reps. They say no one should do HEAVY weights until they are 18, or fully grown.

Is it true that if you start lifting weights at the ag of 13 - 15 that you can stop growing?

No way!

What happens when kids lift weights?

It could injured the body, but does not stunt or stop the growth of the person

How old do girls stop growing at?

Most young Women stop growing at the age of 17-18 years.

Is 17 to young too stop growing?

No, it is about normal.

Will your height stop if you lift weight over your head?

There is no scientific evidence that lifting weights can reduce your growth rate.

Will you stop growing if you lift wheights at 12?

no because you are building muscle and naturally growing so u will actually be healthier

Does exercise stop you from growing?

Exercise does not stop you growing. Running,cycling, swimming etc are all healthy examples of exercise and don't stunt your growth. Lifting excessively heavy weights at a young age (12-14ish) however, can stunt your growth and effect the development of your arm muscles and bones. If you plan on lifting weights at an early age you should ask your trainer/coach for advice and stick with smaller weights. To be honest, I would just recommend push-ups, pull-ups etc.

Do lifting heavy weights stop you from growing?

Yes, because when you squat alot your bones get compact and you will eventually stop growing If you are still growing now, lifting heavy weights won't actually stop you from growing so much as cause joint, muscular, skeletal, and general problems with your physical development. Young people still developing shouldn't attempt weights until it's certain they've stopped growing. The complications from weighlifting at too early an age can be absolutely miserable: better to be taller than you might like than in pain and with restricted movement. If you feel you are too tall, try concentrating on being as healthy as possible so that you look really good, even if you'd like to be shorter. As you mature you'll quite likely discover all kinds of advantages to being tall.

Why is it bad to do weights as a tennager?

Because teenagers are still growing and lifting weights can stop their growth. If you start bodybuilding, then be careful and consult a doctor when you feel something is not right. Don't hurt yourself.