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Because when you ask a woman to marry you it is because you love her and only her. When you get married you give all your love to that one person only with the promise to be faithful. If you can not do that then you shouldn't be married, or you should not be married and just date different woman. That is unless you could have an open relationship with your partner where you see other people too.

I believe that if you have the first woman's permission to date another woman then it shouldn't be wrong. Some women are into threesomes, some aren't. If your current wife is into these things then nothing is wrong, but if she isn't into it or doesn't know about you having a mistress, then shame on you!

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Q: Why is it wrong for a man to have a mistress because the law won't let him have a second wife?
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If the wife of a cheating husband text his mistress and says you can have him all you want do you think she meant that or just needs time to forgive him?

she meant that it is because the wife of a cheating husband is trying to do such things that the mistress of his husband realize that what she did was wrong. ANSWER: I think the wife is telling the mistress that she can have him, so she will not have to deal with pain and bad memories. And letting him go is her way to forgive him.

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He probably cares about her but she should remember that she is his second choice. Otherwise she would be his wife and not his mistress.

What does mistress do?

ANSWER: A mistress is a woman who has relationship with a married man. She is what the married man's wife is not She is a woman who does not have kids so the married man will get all the attention. She is a woman who's always available for her married man because his wife is very busy taking care of everything at his home. A mistress is a woman that gets only a few hours from the married man. She is a woman who can only have a weekend if possible. A mistress is the person that can not spend any holiday with her married man, unless the married man divorce his wife and he marry the mistress. A mistress is the person that can give the needs of the married man because his wife can't or won't. Over all a mistress is a woman that the married man's wife is not.

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Is the affair over after mistress tells spouse?

ANSWER: Are you joking, did you think because you had told his wife what he was doing, that will be the end of it. Mistress hardly go and see the wife, of the man she was having the affair, her intent is if the wife learn about her husband, it will automatically going to kick him out of their house. And this is mistress dream. When a woman becomes the mistress it will be for her benefit as well as the married man, why? the only way a mistress can let go her married lover is when she have a soul.

How to choose between husband or lover?

ANSWER: You do have a big problem right now, why? you were comparing your wife with your mistress. Do you think your being fair towards your wife? How will you feel if your wife compares you with another man. If you want to know the answer, one thing you can do, let go your wife so that way she will not feel humiliated and not worthy of you. From your question, your already know who you wanted, so I think the best solution of your problem is give your wife her freedom so that way she will not have to deal with the pain. ANSWER: Your wife. After all, if you can't grow up and work it out with her, how would you be able to do so with the mistress? And if you feel that you could be able to work things out with your mistress - no matter what - then congratulations! Now use that new found resolve to prove it - by working things out with your wife, no matter what! ANSWER: You are wondering which one you want to keep,am I right? Your wife from your mistress. I don't know the facts of your situation or why your making a decision. Right now it sound like your love for your wife is not whole anymore or even strong enough for you to pick her. As a wife I will tell you the difference between a wife from a mistress. A wife is that person who will stand by you, be there for you, and do everything for you. A wife is a person that will cook, clean, wash clothes, and at the same time take care of the children ( if you have children). A wife is a person that will wait for you if you come home very late at night. A wife is a person that will take care of you when you get sick. A wife is a person that will carry your children in a good sense of act. And there are more if you want to know, but why should you if you didn't have a problem comparing this two women who never knew each others or even being friends. Now let me draw you a picture of a mistress, she is the one that will give you and satisfy you in bed because she knew a few style. A mistress is the lucky one because she didn't have no children ( if she never did ) and can give you all the attention that you deserve because your wife is to busy taking care of things. A mistress is the person that will listen to you when you feel like talking. A mistress is the person that will always available when you call her and wanted to see her. A mistress is the person that will not hear you snore at night sleeping. A mistress is the person that will not wash your dirty clothes, pick things up because you left it in the couch or wherever you hang your stuff. A mistress is the person who's lucky enough to be the one you run to when you feel bored, or even just because. Now I will tell you what's right, pick your mistress because the two of you need to realize that hurting someone will be wrong. Pick your mistress because your wife do not deserve you in her life. Pick your mistress because she is not your maid, and she will always be there for you specially in bed. The finale of your problem is, please divorce your wife so that way, the issue, baggage, and betrayal will not go on her part. If I offend you, I don't mean to but you wanted to know which one you can pick. The mistress.

How mistress ruin the relationship of husband and wife?

mistress can be a big ruiner to good relationships. ANSWER: Yes a mistress is part of a broken family between man and his wife. Unfortunately it's not all the mistress ( sorry I am a wife), fault and start the messing around but the married man is. Reality check here, married men are the one that search or look for other person we called mistress. Some mistress are single, some are married but still become the other woman. Because we love our husband most of us will blame the other woman, for ruining our safe, normal, and comfortable life. It is wrong because its our husband who started all. It's our husband that meet the other woman, hide the relationship, and yes having a second life away from us. The only thing we can say to those women who are having an affair to a married men is learn to say no._" No thank you, your are married " and I deserve to meet a single man.

What if you crash your wife's car into your mistress car?

You will be in a lot of trouble with both the wife and the mistress, and possibly the police.

Can a mistress sue her boyfriend for not leaving his wife as promised?

No she can't. A mistress is a mistress: there for pretty much sex and nothing more. Marriage however is not only an intimate relationship but a legal contract between the husband and wife. The mistress is just a random third party. It would NEVER hold up in court because the mistress is helping the man cheat.

Why do married man not want their mistress to see other man?

first of all cant you just say wife anyway the reason is because they dont want the wife (mistress) falling in love with another man

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Women by nature are jealous of the other woman so they have a tendency to blame the mistress in the affair and even when the mistress harasses the wife, but it is the husband in this case that should stop the harassment because he started it all. Get tough with the husband and ignore the mistress; the ball is in his court.

What to do when you fall for the mistress?

You will have to divorce your wife.