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Q: Why is it wrong for Batman to use a gun against a person?
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What is a person against gun control called?

A person against gun control. A pro-gun advocate. A pro-2A advocate (in the US).

Did Batman use a gun to fight when he was first created?

Batman not only used a gun, he killed criminals rather than bringing them to justice.

What is Batman's moral?

To not kill, and to not use a gun. Batman has repetitively broken both, but he does his best.

Why Tupac was against gun?

because guns kill, and 2pac was against wrong doing, and wanted to help the ghetto and promote good

Can you dodge bullets in Lego batman and if you can how?

You can dodge it by pressing the square button exactly were the bullet hits you. Its hard to do sometimes though especially against joker's gun. If you have a gun and you dodge their bullets you will shoot back at them too.

Is it against the law if a us citizen buys a gun for an immigrant?

Generally speaking, yes. It is against the law to purchase a gun for another person (there is an exception for a gift purchase).

What is Batman's most used gadget?

The grappling gun.

What happens when beetroot is added with a base?

last time i did it, batman stopped me, he punched me in the heel, gosh it dug right in. My guess is its a batman ray gun to KILL batman

What is with the two barrels on Batman's grapple gun in Batman begins and the dark knight?

Isn't it kind of obvious, it is to allow him to use it twice before reloading.

What makes a gun illegal?

That's a very vague and general question. A gun is "illegal" if it is stolen, if it is in the possession of a person not legally allowed to possess a gun, or if it violates a local state law.


If a person has been held by a court to be mentally incompetent, ordered against their will into psychiatric treatment, found not guilty by reason off insanity, then they would be prohibited from owning a gun anywhere in the US.

Can you use a hot glue gun as a solder gun?

No the tip is wrong.