

Why is junk food so cheap?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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8y ago

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For about $3 you can buy enough potatoes to make more potato chips than you could ever possibly eat before they spoil. So I don't really think junk food is cheap. They use cheap ingredients and then mark them up to ridiculous amounts. French Fries and Soda are the worst about this.


Indeed: it's often cheaper overall to use fresh ingredients and cook them yourself. "Junk" food (more accurately perhaps "junk diets" as the occasional meal won't hurt but they are nutritionally poor) is usually applied to the mass-produced snacks sold by chains who charge not only for the ingredients, cooking, premises and profits but also for excessive packaging and promotions aimed at the gullible.

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The ingredients which the carbohydrates and fats come from (corn, soybeans, wheat) are hugely supported by the government under "the farm bill", so they are overproduced.

How is junk food cheap?

Because junk food tastes better, most people are willing to buy it. Now for the companies that sell junk food, it is smarter to keep prices low so more people buy it. Healthy food is more expensive because ;1. It takes more steps to make it (only because it isn't processed). 2. Less people buy them. Hope this helps!

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The advantages of Junk food are they are tasty yummy and delicious and every body likes junk food like chips chocolates ice cream Fast food ext and junk food contains proteins and different kind of calories so prefer junk but not that much.

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Junk food adverts are basically aimed towards kids as they are the main target audience for junk food manufacturers. So the best way to advertise junk food is to aim your adverts at a younger audience.

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the kind of food that is not junk food is the food that dont contain that much sugar. candy and sweets are types of junk food. apples broccli carrots and more fruits and veges are healthy. so try to eat healthy and try not to eat that much junk. :)

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junk food tastes gd so whats the problem?!? i eat junk food often and im not fat OR gained any weight i exercise 3 times a wekk so maybe that helps...

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The over the hedge movie promotes junk food because it is a movie that little kids would watch and it says that junk food is a good thing so it will make little kids eat more junk food.

How are soda and junk food companies making money in schools?

Kids WANT soda and junk food so more will spend money. :)

Why do teenageer eat junk food so much?

because they need food to fuel their growing body's.

What are some junk food awareness slogans?

Man cannot live on fast food alone. You are what you eat. You're not junk, so don't eat it.