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Lemon increases the acidity of the stomach.

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Q: Why is lemon used to balance acidity in the stomach?
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Risek capsules are used for reducing stomach acidity.

Why is your led not lighting up the second time you used 4 lemon?

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What are antaacids?

Antacids are used to neutralize stomach acidity. You take antacids (such as Tums or Rolaids) when you experience heartburn or upset stomach.

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No, omeprazole (Losec or Prilosec) has no antibiotic effect. It is a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) used for stomach. It reduces stomach acidity production.

Is stomach ache medicine acidic or alkaline?

Alkaline. Magnesium Hydroxide (commonly known as Milk of Magnesia) is usually used to treat excess stomach acidity.

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Happi D is antacid tablet , it is use for netrulize the excess stomach acid created.

What does tagamet do with peptic ulcer disease?

Tagamet (cimetidine) is a H-2 blocker and is used to decrease the acidity of the stomach when treating peptic ulcers.

Why is sodium bicarb given to dialysis patients?

Bicarbonate is a buffer - it adjusts acidity. Bicarbonate is in the blood naturally. The body uses it to control it's acidity. Bicarbonate is used in dialysis to maintain the proper acid balance in the body.

What is the word used for the mix of parsley garlic and lemon rind used to flavor meat?

cevicheThere is also a term, Kelaguen, which is based on the "cooking" property of lemon juice, whereby raw fish or shrimp is "cooked" by the acidity of the lemon.

Why does a lemon produce more electricity than a potato?

Lemons are more acidic than potatoes, which allows them to produce more electrons and generate a higher voltage in an electrolyte solution. This higher acidity helps lemons to have a higher power output compared to potatoes when used in a lemon battery experiment.

What substance is used to decrease the acidity in soil?

Most commonly limestone is used to decrease acidity.