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The scope is to obtain pure sodium and chlorine.

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Melted sodium chloride is an electrolyte containing the ions Na- and Cl+; solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte.

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Q: Why is molten NaCl rather than solid NaCl used as electrolyte?
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When does sodium chloride not conduct electricity?

Solid NaCl is not an electrolyte; the saline solution or the molten NaCl are electrolytes.

Is NaCl an elcetrolyte?

Solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte. Water solutions of sodium chloride or molten NaCl are electrolytes.

What type of electrolyte is sodium chloride?

In water solution or in molten state NaCl is a strong electrolyte.

Can Na CI be a electrolyte?

There is no such thing as NaCI. You most likely mean NaCl (with a lowercase L) which is an electrolyte.

Why is the electrical conductivity of NaCl different when it is molten or dissolved in water?

Solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte; water solution of NaCl is an electrolyte (also melted NaCl).

Why molten sodium chloride conduct electricity?

Molten and Aqueous Sodium Chloride conduct electricity because the ions are free to move where as is a solid they have no free room. This is the same for magnesium chloride. In aluminum chloride and phosphorus chloride the solid doesn't conduct electricity because the ions aren't free to move. In liquid form they have converted into a covalent form, and so don't conduct either. All of the other chloride don't conduct electricity because they have no free ions or electrons when solid or liquid.

Predict and explain what systems are electrically conducting e solid NaCl f molten NaCl g An aqueous solution of NaCl?

The aqueous and molten solutions are electrically conducting

2 Predict and explain what systems are electrically conducting a solid NaCl b molten NaCl c An aqueous solution of NaCl?

molten NaCl and An aqueous solution of NaCl will be conducting due to the presence of free ions in these.

Why is NaCl solution a good conductor but NaCl solid not?

for the conductance of electricity freely moving ions and electrons are necessary. But in NaCl (in solid form) Na positive ion and Cl negative ion are held together by strong electrostatic force and there is no freely moving ion in NaCl (in solid state) therefore NaCl does not conduct electricity in solid form.

What would not be considered an electrolyte a NaCl in water b NaOH in water c solid copper d a hydrochloric acid solution?

The solid copper is a conductor but not an electrolyte.

Why does NaCl in water conduct electricity and not NaCl when it is dry and How is this different from sugar?

1. Water solution of sodium chloride is an electrolyte containing ions as Na+ and Cl-. 2. Solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte. 3. Also sugar is not an electrolyte.

Why can't Sodium chloride in a solid state be an electrolyte?

Because in solid state NaCl is neutral, without free ions or electrons.