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He certainly is not smart enough to be able to tell your sex. What he is doing is practicing and getting ready in case a female Betta comes along. It is just a sign that he is in good condition and ready to breed.

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Q: Why is my betta making a bubble nest when he has not mate I'm a girl does he think that i am his mate?
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Can a girl betta fish make bubble like a little bit?

Usually not... My Betta females don't do it often, but I dont think its a nest like the males will make because its just a few bubbles, but what Ive learned also is that it may be plants from the tank.

How can you tell if Marine Betta is girl or boy?

you can tell if its a boy or girl by the fins the male Betta has long fins and the female Betta has small fins

How girl betta have babys?

yes they do

Can a girl Betta be with a girl Betta?

Yes, females do best together in groups of 3 to 5 in a ten gallon or more tank.

How can you tell a girl betta from a boy betta?

A female betta has very small fins with a long body while the male betta have lots of nice flowing fins.

Why is my Betta fish making a bubble nest when he has not mate I'm a girl does he think that i am his mate?

I can assure you the Betta does not think of you as a mate. They are not stupid and do know a female of their own species. Your Betta has simply reached sexual maturity and is building his display home in the hope that if a lady Betta comes along he can convince her to make fertile eggs with him under it.

What does it mean when one girl betta bites the male's fins off?

It probably means that your female (girl) Betta is a male that has not yet fully matured.

How do you tell fish bata apart as a boy or girl?

A girl Betta is dull and not as pretty as the male. But, a boy Betta is colorful and pretty to attract the female mate.

Do boy or girl betta fish get pregnant?

No they don't get pregnant. A female produces eggs, then during mating a male will squeeze those eggs out of the female and fertilise them. The eggs are then put in a bubble nest by the male who cares for them until they hatch.

Can a girl betta share a aquarium with boy betta?

No, they are fighting fish. They will kill each other no matter what sex they are.

Will a girl betta in a group of 10 fight a another girl Betta in a group of 10?

Yes, until they agree on who is stronger. Once that's settled they're usually fine.

Do you need to have a boy and a girl Betta fish to have eggs?
