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If the temperature cannot be changed for any of the direction settings, e.g., defrost, vents, floor, then the problem is very likely to be the blend door actuator motor.

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Q: Why is my vehicle's defrost blowing cold air when set at warm?
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If you have all of those symptoms, it sounds like selector on front dash is all shorting out, or your PMC module is acting up sending all different singles.

Why is your refrigerator is not cold and the freezer is not cold?

My refrigerator is not running cold nor is the freezer. It is blowing warm air.

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This means your Jimmy is pregnant with a Jenny.

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blowing cool air, is the air only in your mouth... warm air comes from your lungs. temperature also varies by how open your mouth is while blowing air out

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yes hats keep your head warm

Is it cold if its 70 degrees and the wind is blowing?

No. Even in a strong wind, 70 degrees would still feel warm.

What is happenning when all the pressures are ok but its blowing warm air?

It may be the temperature control door not shifting all the way to cold.

When does Sound travels fastest through matter when it is warm cold or not moving?

It depends... It's well-known that sound travels faster through denser (cold air has higher density then warm) media. So if you have a situation when sound travels through either cold or warm air. The speed of the sound will higher in the cold air. From other side if you have air which of course possesses certain temperature which is moving the sound speed will depend on both temperature and the vector of velocity (direction where it is blowing and and value how much it's blowing).

WHY IS MY 2002 BMW blowing cold air on one side warm on the other?

the hose or duct that iare routed to that side has close are collaspe

Why is my 530i not blowing hot air?

You will need to adjust the temp gauge from cold to warm. Its located right on the middle vent(where the air blows out).

Why does window fog even when warm air is blowing on them on car windshield?

Warm air contains more moisture than cold air. The air hits the cold window and the moisture is deposited on the cold glass. It is the same effect that causes your glass full of a cold beverage to start to drip down the sides.