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It depends on the perspective of course. A' basic element of behaviour could mean more than one thing. For e.g., aggression is a basic element of behaviour, while the act of aggression is a manifestation of this. And a basic element of aggression could be seen as an organic disorder of the limbic system involving serotonergic neurotransmission. And a basic element of the latter would of course be the state and activity of neural networks within the limbic system - which would make the humble neuron a basic element of this. So you see, there are many layers of abstraction: Neuron -> Network -> Many networks -> Behavior. In other words, it really doesn't make sense to call a neuron 'a basic element of behavior' because all a neuron really is is a basic element of the brain. Behavior is a result of brain function. And without knowing what that function is (I mean mathematically) it would be a fallacy to link the two.

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