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Q: Why is one eye closed on your chicken?
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Why do mice go around with one eye closed?

because they only see out of one eye.

Is it bad that a hamster has one eye open and one eye close?

It sleeps with 2 eyes closed

What is the medical term chicken eye?

the eye of a chicken.

What does it mean when you look over at your crush and she already has one eye closed?

she got sumin in her eye

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Batty Wood is a Eye Closed!

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He has a mental issue

How do you solve y plus 8?

Dance on the table with one eye closed

Is it still a wink when you look over at your crush and she already has one eye closed?

No, I'm sorry. But if she looks at you with one eye closed, opens it and then winks, then yes. (Though if a girl likes a guy, they usually don't wink.)

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What should you do if one of your kittens eye is slightly closed then normally?

go to vet ASAP

What can you see with your eyes closed?

your eye being closed

What happens if you always keep one eye closed?

After a long time the brain will decide the eye is bad and quit using it. You will then be blind in that eye. This effect is an example of "use it or lose it".