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Porridge is like drinking water but the rice have to chew alot .

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Q: Why is porridge easier to digest than rice?
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It is harder to digest solids because you have to chew, then your body has to break everything in the solids down, for when you digest liquids it only has to take out proteins. Vince-liquid is easily digested but solids are not

How long does it take to digest hard white rice?

Probably 60-90 mintues - no longer than the average starch. It would digest faster without the gluten but because of the more complex structure of brown rice (rather than white) it probably takes longer... Assuming you aren't eating the rice with meat or other food that retards the process.

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Yes, it can be a highly nutritious and cheap food source. Sawdust is generally easier to digest than whole trees.

Does chicken and beef take the same amount of time to digest in the human body?

No, chicken is easier to digest in the human body than beef. Beef stays in a person's system longer.

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What is more fattening porridge with banana or bran flakes with milk?

Porridge got more calories in it but its more nutritious than branflakes