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Reforestation benefits the environment by reversing the effects of deforestation. Deforestation is the destruction of forests. In brief, deforestation: * reduces the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphereby photosynthesis

* increases the amount of carbon dioxide released into the environment from burning and decay

* reduces the amount of moisture released into the atmosphere by transpiration

* increases the loss of soil by erosion

* increases the silting up of rivers etc from soil erosion

* extinction of species which inhabit forests (reduced biodiversity)

* contributes to desertification

For a very clear summary of deforestation and its effects see:

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Q: Why is reforestation effort to save the environment?
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Reforestation is when you plant new trees after the forest was destroyed in fire, cutting, diseases, ect.

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Reforestation. Reforestation. Reforestation.

What does reforestation of the environment mean?

Reforestation means planting trees again, where there used to be trees. Afforestation means planting trees where there were none before. Both processes are very important for the environment now to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air that is causing global warming.

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recycle reduce reuse it helps to save environment..........................................................................................

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