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He didn't miss Christmas Day! The 3 spirits came the night of Christmas Eve and he woke up Christmas morning. He is happy when he heard he didn't miss christmas day!

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Q: Why is scrooge happy when he heard he missed Christmas day?
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What did the Ghost of Christmas Past show Scrooge?

It showed him in school, at Christmas being lonely. Well that's the story I heard anyways!

What words did Scrooge say were the happiest in his ears?

Scrooge said that the happiest words in his ears were "Christmas Time." He described them as a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time.

In Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol Scrooge got mad when he heard this merry song?

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When Scrooge heard the harp music in "A Christmas Carol," he was transported back in time to a moment when he was filled with joy and goodwill. The music reminded him of a happier time in his past, before he became bitter and greedy. It stirred his emotions and made him reflect on his choices and how he had strayed from the path of kindness and compassion.

How did Scrooge know that the spirit had arrived?

The initial spirt of Christmas Past carried a flamed torch which lit up the room. The Ghost of Christmas Present bathed his bedroom in a candesant light which came beneath the door of his room. The last Ghost was in his room as he opened his eyes having just heard the ghost of Christmas Present say "Are there no prisens are there no work houses". Noww the Ghost of Christmas Yet to come, a shrouded fugure stood silent before scrooge

Who was responsible for the sound of dragging chain Scrooge heard?

The ghost of Jacob Marley, Scrooge's former business partner, was responsible for the sound of dragging chains that Scrooge heard. Marley's spirit visited Scrooge to warn him about the consequences of his greedy and selfish ways.

What were Scrooge's dislikes?

In his childhood Scrooge had been abandond in his boarding school by his parents. When he visited it with the The Ghost of Christmas Past he is heard to lament "Poor boy, poor,poor boy" on seeing the shadows of his past self

What did Scrooges nieces and nephews say about him?

Scrooge's niece, Fred, described him as being unpleasant and miserable. They believed he was consumed by his pursuit of wealth and had lost touch with the joy of the holiday season and the importance of family.

Whose hearty laugh did scrooge hear in the bright gleaming snow?

That is stave 3 and its when Ebenezer seea a light under his bedroom door and on opening it is confronted by the "The Ghost Of Christmas Present. He is a huge being surrounded by many of the good and plentiful things associated with the seaso. He states "Come in man, come in and know me well!" all the time laughing and being merry

What surprised Scrooge when the clock chimed?

In stave 2 the clock chimes quater plast 12 , then half past and then at quater to One. This was the foretold time of the first ghost visit. As the clock struck one the room lit up with a broght light and the curtains that surrounded his bed were swiftly pulled back to reveal the first visitation The second time the bell was due to strike Scrooge had readied himself - He pulled the curtains aside to see the whole of the room and tehrefore the arrival of the next Ghost. However, he was supprised that at the defind One o'clock the clock struck yet nothing appeared 15 minutes went by and nothing SCrooge saw nothing but a bright ruddy light bathing the clock The next occasion bells sounded the time was heard when Scrooge was with the ghost of Christmas Present. The night was theat of 12th Night and at quater to twelve the ghost told Scrooge his time grew short. At midnight as the clock struck the final spirit appeared. Following the ghost visoins of what could happen Scrooge makes his oath to change and suddenly wakes in bed and having dashed around his room recalling the nights events he asks a boy walkin by his house what day it is. He is told its Christmas Day . Scrooge shouts "`It's Christmas Day!'' said Scrooge to himself. ``I haven 't missed it. The Spirits have done it all in one night. They can do anything they like. " All the events that went from Chsitmas Eve to 12 night had happened in just one night

What caused the death of the Spirit in The Christmas Carol?

The fist spirit has the lamp extinguisher placed over him by Scooge. The Ghost of Christmas Prest stated his time on this earth is nearly at an end as it was 11:45 pm and at mid-night a new Christmas was to take over. The last Ghost heard Scrooges oath that he would,change and never return to his old ways. This was all that his visit was expected to make Scrooge do

What is the Silent night and the Holly and the Ivy?

They are Christmas Carols. Christmas Carols are songs usually heard at Christmas time.