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They pull the sister chromatids (the duplicate chromosomes of the cell) apart to opposite poles of the cell allowing new cells to form. Basically they rip the chromosomes in half so there is an equal copy of ever chromosome.

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pulls apart chromatin into chromosomes.

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Q: Why is spindle so important to mitosis?
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When do spindle fibers attach to chromosomes?

Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes during mitosis. Specifically, they do so in the metaphase portion of mitosis, in preparation for the splitting of the cell.

What is the phase of mitosis if chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers?

Metaphase is when chromosomes attatch to spindle fibers in the phase of mitosis.

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When during mitosis do chromosomes attach to spindle fibers?

During mitosis a double-stranded chromosome attaches to a spindle fiber centromere.

Centriole is composed of microtubules and important for organizing the spindle fibers?

Centriole is composed of microtubules and important for organizing the spindle fibers that separates the chromosomes for mitosis or cell division. There are nine types of microtubules.

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What equally divides chromatids between offspring cells?

Spindle fibers

During which phase of mitosis are chromosomes attaching to the spindle?

Chromosomes attach to the mitotic spindle during the metaphase of mitosis. Part of the answer depends on how you define the stages of mitosis and not everybody does this the same way. The short answer is all of them.

During what phase of mitosis does the spindle disperse?

The answer is telophase.

Describe the structure and function of the spindle during mitosis?

Spindle fibers are necessary in mitosis as they help in bringing half the number of chromosomes on each side of the cell, so that when the cell divides, the chromosomes are distributed equally in both the daughter nuclei.

Which cellular component helps push chromosomes apart in mitosis and meiosis?

The cellular component that helps pull apart the chromosome in mitosis and meiosis are the spindle fibers. These spindle fibers are made of micro-tubules.