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Q: Why is starch phosphorylase not involved in starch anabolism?
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What is the substrate of phosphorylase?

The substrate is Glucose-1-phospate which is broken down by only Phosphorylase and produces Starch as its end product

What enzyme synthesises starch from glucose -1- phosphate?

this enzyme is called phosphorylase.

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Activation, conversion from glycogen phosphorylase B to glycogen phosphorylase A

Why is potato phosphorylase de-starched prior to its use?

well, its because too much starch in your diet makes you die a horribly painful death.

Does anabolism require energy?

Anabolism is a metabolic process that requires energy. It refers to a set of chemical reactions involved in the synthesis of larger molecules from smaller components.

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Phosphorylase is an enzyme which joins with Glucose-1-phosphate together to make larger starch molecules. it is an example of synthesis (a joing together enzyme)

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AMP is an inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase.

What enzyme acts on starches and turns it into sugar?

Amylase: Starch or amylose is a polysaccharide (carbohydrate) comprised of long chains of glucose molecules. The enzyme, amylase, hydrolyzes starch to dextrins (short chains of glucose molecules), maltose (disaccharide containing glucose) and glucose (sugar).

Catabolism is to as anabolism is to?

exergonic is to endergonic

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Why is glycogen phosphorylase alone not sufficient in in degrading glycogen?

Glycogen phosphorylase can not cleave the alpha-1,6-glycosidic bonds at glycogen branch points