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Synapses are important because they enable signal transmission in the body. These signals are the nerve impulses, which go across and between neurons. This process occurs in the synaptic cleft of the central nervous system.

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Without them the CNS would just be a collection of cells ... living but doing nothing.

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Q: Why is synapse important to the nervous system?
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Neurons and Synapse


The synapse is most like a joint.

Can humans synapse?

I'm sure that synapse is a verb that does not apply to people. All organisms that have a nervous system have synapses though and people therefore posses synapses.

Which system involves a synapse?

All nerves have synapses, which are where the nerve junctions are located, so the nervous system involves synapses.

What system of the body is made of the brain and spinal cord and the nerves?

The system of the body is made of the brain spinal cord and nerves is known as the nervous system. The nervous system controls the body's voluntary and involuntary actions and transmits signals between different parts of its body.

What is the function of the cell body of the nervous system?

the impulses are brought to the cell body from whre its carried by the axon to the synapse

What are two important parts of the Nervous system?

Well, two important parts of the nervous system is the Central Nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. I hope that answers your question.

What is acetylcholen?

Acetylcholine (ACh) is an exitatory neurotransmitter. This means it is released from the synapse of the neurone and promotes the continuation of the AP in the next neurone instead of inhibiting it. ACh is part of the peripheral nervous system and is not very prominent in the central nervous system.

What important organ is in the nervous system?

The brain is the most important organ of the nervous system. The spinal cord and the brain are the main parts of the nervous system but the spinal cord is not considered to be an organ.

Space through which a nervous impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another?

The synaptic gap, also called the synapse.

Why is Neuregulin important?

Neuregulin are important because they assist in the functions of the nervous system. They help the development of the nervous system and cardiac development.