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Every time you measure something you may make a small error, with a stopwatch for instance there is a small delay in seeing and pressing the button. So if you only measure one swing, that error applies to the time of one swing. If you measure the time of ten swings, you have the same error, but then you divide the total time by ten to get the answer, so the error is also divided by ten.

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Q: Why is ten swings of a pendulum more accurate then one swing?
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Which length of the pendulum made the most number of swing?

The shorter the pendulum the more swings you get.

What is the purpose of a pendulum in pendulum clocks?

The purpose of a pendulum in a pendulum clock is that it uses its weight as a way to keep accurate and precise time. When it swings back and forth the weight keeps it going at the same time every time making for more accurate timekeeping.

What changes can you make to affect the pendulum so that it can swing more or less swings in 15 seconds?

You can affect the pendulum to move down or up and it will be will might be 11 or 12 seconds because of the length and how you want the pendulum for it to move.

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Which swing more heavier pendulum or lighter pendulum?

A heavier pendulum will swing longer due to its greater inertia.

What is the relationship between the length of the string of a pendulum and the number of swings?

There's no relationship between the length of the pendulum and the number of swings.However, a shorter pendulum has a shorter period, i.e. the swings come more often.So a short pendulum has more swings than a long pendulum has in the same amountof time.

Which length of the pendulum made the most number of swings?

A shorter pendulum will make more swings per second. Or per minute. Or whatever.

Why should a pendulum be swung less than ten degrees?

The time it takes for a pendulum to make one swing is almost exactly the same regardless if it swings thru any small angle. Once the angle starts getting large, like more then 10 deg, the difference in swing time becomes noticable. If you use a pendulum as a clock,so each second is one swing, then if you start the pendulum swinging at about 10 deg it will continue to be one second per swing even as it runs down to a smaller swing angle.

What is the period of the pendulum?

The period of a simple pendulum, with very short swings, is approximated byT = 2 pi (L/G)(0.5)More complex pendulums, or pendulums with greater than insignificant swing, have more complex equations, usually to correct for circular error.

If the length of a pendulum increases what does the period of the pendulum do?

The speed (magnitude of the velocity) of a pendulum is greatest when it is at the lowest part of it's swing, directly underneath the suspension.The factors that affect the period of a pendulum (the time it takes to swing from one side to the other and back again) are:# Gravity (the magnitude of the force(s) acting on the pendulum)# Length of the pendulum # (+ minor contributions from the friction of the suspension and air resistance)

Why is important to swing the pendulum multiple times than take an average time?

Swinging the pendulum multiple times allows us to account for any variations or errors in individual swings, leading to a more accurate measurement of the average time. Taking an average helps to minimize the impact of any random factors that could affect the individual swings and provides a more reliable representation of the pendulum's true behavior.

When were pendulum clocks replaced by more accurate clocks?

In the 1930s