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It's not. Elizabethan times were the last fifty years of the English Renaissance, but as they were its height during England, they are regarded as its zenith. The death of Elizabeth I in 1603 is widely regarded as one of the markers of the end of the Renaissance.

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Q: Why is the Renassiance in England reffered to as the Elizabethan age?
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What are the dates given to the Elizabethan Age in England?

The dates of the Elizabethan Age in England coincides with the dates of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The dates span from 1558 to 1603.

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What is the Golden Age of England?

The Elizabethan era and the Victorian era.

What was the Elizabethan period like?

The Elizabethan period was between 1558 up to 1603. It was the golden age in English history and the height of the English Renaissance with flowering English poetry, literature, and music.

Who ruled England during the Elizabethan age?

The Elizabethan Age is so named because it spans the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603). Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558 and died in 1603.

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Elizabethan clothing is clothing during the Elizabethan age. In other words, this is the age of Shakespeare and the bubonic plague.

In what years did the Elizabethan era occur?

The Elizabethan era occurred during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England, from 1558 to 1603.

What is Elizabethan era need pictures?

The Elizabethan Era is the period of the reign of Queen Elizabeth Regina (aka Queen Elizabeth I). It ran from 1558Ð1603, and is often considered England's "Golden Age."

What years was England known as Elizabethan England?

Queen Elizabeth Tudor, Ruled from, 17 November 1558 - 24 March 1603. That period was known as the Elizabethen age.

Why did shakespaere name his play Elizabethan age?

Shakespeare wrote lots of plays not one of which was named "elizabethan age". The time he lived in was called the Elizabethan Age after Queen Elizabeth 1st.

Why is the Elizabethan age famous for and why it is called so?

It was famous for Art, William Shakespeare, new foods,England became stronger and more richer, the reason it was called the Elizabethan age because she had so much power she ruled for a long rein and she was so famous.