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Catholic AnswerMan was created by God to not die. Our physical death is an aberration brought about by sin. Sin causes us to judge wrongly as to what is good, so we actually end up choosing things which are not good for us in the mistaking notion that they are good. Until we realize that this short life on earth is only the blink of an eye in our immortal existence and that we have to use this short time to rectify our broken natures are we going to be able to conform ourselves to reality and attain heaven, which is where we were made to be. Failure to do these things results in everlasting disaster and immortal suffering as we have deprived ourselves of our last end, which is eternal happiness in heaven with God.

Answer 2:

The website below gives some theories on the afterlife, note that this website is not approved by the Catholic Church, it is just another viewpoint.

(link below)

Catholic Redux

One warning on the Answer 2 link below. The Catholic Church teaches that all souls, when they leave this mortal life go immediately to heaven or hell, with the possibility of purgatory for those destined for heaven who die imperfect. None of these states normally allow for a person to contact the earth. However, the Church has always taught that there are millions of fallen angels, otherwise known as demons, who are as alive as you and I, and commit all kinds of chaos. The demons are perfectly willing to imitate dead souls, or even Jesus Himself, in order to deceive man. Be very cautious when dealing with "spirits" or "voices from beyond", if you think you have any contact with such things, please speak to a Catholic priest as soon as possible. For a fuller treatment of these things, please look at either of Fr. Amorth's books.

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Beginning with Adam and Eve, men were created to live eternally in happiness with God. To look at it as "life after death" is like looking through the wrong end of the telescope! Every single one of us was created to live forever, we are body and soul, and our soul is immortal. Our body lost immortality with sin, which is why we die, but it is restored to us after death. The problem is that this short life on earth is only the blink of an eye in our existence which is meant to go on forever. We are on this earth for no other reason than to choose God, and to overcome sin. Our life after death is our life, this is just the prelude to it! The problem with most people is that they are ignoring why they are here, and so the body that they get back after death is the old, worn out, diseased body that they die with and they will suffer in hell with for all eternity.

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Q: Why is the belief in life after death important to Catholics?
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The Church teaches that the dead are resurrected to everlasting life in the same physical bodies they had while they were living. The afterlife is spent either in heaven or hell.

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The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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The resurrection is essential to the faith of Catholics because, if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he did not conquer death. If he did not conquer death, then he did not pave the way for us to conquer death. If we cannot conquer death then this life is all that there is. There is no hope for an after life with God. There is no resurrection of the body on the last day. There is no definitive end to suffering, and evil, and death. There is no union of man with God. There is no grace. There is no Church. There is no sacraments. There is no Pentecost. There is no outpouring of the Holy Spirit, no spreading of the Gospel message. Without the resurrection, the devil has won and mankind is finished.

Do christians belief in life after death?

Yes Christians believe in life after death. The Bible (God's word) teaches that.

How do you know that belief in life after death is important?

There is no way to know what happens after death and the absence of any scientific data on the continuation of a persons uniqueness is nonexistent strongly suggests that there is nothing. Many people use this absence of proof of an afterlife to conclude that acting properly in this life (altruistically) is of greater benefit to society than belief in an after death reward.

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No. That is not how the Egyptian belief in life and death worked.

What Egyptian belief led to the creation of funerary art objects?

Their belief in life after death certainly contributed to the art form.