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The only people who consider the current pope to be a false pope are those who subscribe to the sede vacante (empty chair) conspiracy theory which began with the election of Pope John XXIII upon the death of Pius XII in 1958. Supposedly, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri was actually elected as Pope Gregory XVII but pressure was then brought on him to abdicate due to threats of a violent backlash from the Soviet Union. Siri is said to have done so. If he, indeed, abdicated, then any claim to the Throne of Peter he might have had was negated which would make any other person elected as the true pope. Since all those who participate in a conclave are sworn to secrecy, under pain of excommunication, we will probably never know if this really transpired and all cardinals who participated in that conclave have since passed away. However, the sede vacante followers claim that if a pope abdicates under pressure, it is not a valid abdication so all popes after him, since 1958, are not valid popes. Most Catholics do not hold to this conspiracy.

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The current pope is not considered a fake pope by the majority of practicing Catholics. There are a few former Catholics (that have separated themselves from Rome by their actions) who believe there were irregularities in the papal election of 1958 which brought Pope John XXIII into power. They believe that Giuseppe Cardinal Siri was actually elected and took the name Pope Gregory XVII. Supposedly, outside pressures from the Soviet Block caused the other cardinals to force Siri to step down. It is reported that he reluctantly did so which opened the election to Pope John XXIII. If the story were true then all popes since Pope Pius XII died would not be considered as legitimate popes. Since conclaves are secret the world will never know the truth about what happened during that election.

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