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The temperature range is so much greater mainly because of the lack of atmosphere. The Moon has no atmosphere, so the radiation from our local star, the Sun, is not filtered or diffused in any way.

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Q: Why is the daytime much hotter on the moon than anywhere on earth?
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What is hotter than the moon during the daytime?

The Sun?

Which planet is the moon hotter than in the daytime?

The moon is hotter than the earth in day time but also colder in night time because the earth has a atmosphere which doesnt object us to as much heat or coldness, but the moon has no atmosphere and take in much heat in day time and freezing cold at night :) So most planets with a larger atmosphere unless really close or really far away to the sun isn't as hotter as the earth

Which is hotter the earth or the moon?

The moon is lighted by the sun on the other side of the earth during night, and the moon has no core, meaning that the Earth is hotter as it isnt projected heat or light.

Why is it that you can see the moon during daytime?

The moon takes about 28 days to rotate around the earth. And it takes 24 hours for the earth to rotate in the spot. At some point the moon is at the same side of the earth as the sun. and when the earth is facing the sun it is daytime. so when the moon is at the same side of the earth as the sun you can see it at daytime.

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does the moon have daytime and nightime

Is the moon hotter than earth?

it depend on you position on earth

How much hotter is the earth from the moon?


What happens on the side of earth opposite of the moon?

Its daytime over there.

What would the moon do if it got closer to the sun?

The moon and the earth would probably just get hotter

Can the moon up during daytime?

Yes because the moon and earth move/ spin at a different rate

Can you see the moon on the other side of the earth from Egypt?

The moon can be seen anywhere from Earth.

Why you cannot see the moon during daytime?

Because you're not looking in the right place. I have often seen the Moon in the daytime; it's not a rare occurrence. ____________________________________________________________ Earth's moon is often visible during the daytime. Seeing the Moon before dark, or even in bright daylight, is an ordinary occurrence.