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Q: What is hotter than the moon during the daytime?
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Why does the moon brighter at night?

The moon appears brighter at night than during the daytime because the level of outdoor illuminance is less than that of the moon.

Why does the moon apper brighter at night?

The moon appears brighter at night than during the daytime because the level of outdoor illuminance is less than that of the moon.

Which planet is the moon hotter than in the daytime?

The moon is hotter than the earth in day time but also colder in night time because the earth has a atmosphere which doesnt object us to as much heat or coldness, but the moon has no atmosphere and take in much heat in day time and freezing cold at night :) So most planets with a larger atmosphere unless really close or really far away to the sun isn't as hotter as the earth

Which is hotter the Moon or Pluto?

Day time on the Moon is hotter than Pluto. Night time on the moon is about as cold as Pluto, sometimes colder.

Why is the daytime much hotter on the moon than anywhere on earth?

The temperature range is so much greater mainly because of the lack of atmosphere. The Moon has no atmosphere, so the radiation from our local star, the Sun, is not filtered or diffused in any way.

What planets are hotter than the moon?

Venus and Mercury

Is the moon hotter than earth?

it depend on you position on earth

Which is hotter mars or mercury?

Of course. The temperature of Mars during daytime is usually many degrees below zero, which is very cold, but daytime temperature on Mercury is about 750 F (400 C), a stunning hot temperature that is hundreds of degrees hotter than the warmest temperature on Mars.

Do the moon and earth receive the same amount of heat from sun?

Sunlight arrives with the same intensity on the Earth and on the moon. However, it affects the moon differently than the Earth because the Earth has an atmosphere and the moon doesn't. Hence, the moon gets hotter during the lunar day, and colder during the lunar night.

Is darien from sailor moon hotter than link from Zelda?

Heck, YES HE IS!! lol, no seriously I think Darien's hotter

Does the moon experience solar heating?

Yes. The sunlit side of the moon is extremely hot - in fact it is hotter than anywhere on Earth due to the absence of an atmosphere. As a contrary, the moon gets extremely cold during the night time and it get even colder than it ever gets in Antarctica.

How is the surface of the moon different than the surface of the sun?

The surface of the sun is 10 thousand degrees F but the moon is very cold. The surface of the sun is much hotter than the moon's. The moon has many craters.