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Q: Why is the development of storage organs in a plant important?
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Why is fruit important to a plant what is it used for the plant?

It contains the plant's seeds It is the storage of glucose.

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Tuber is the modified organ of the plant potato.

What is growth and development in biology?

the irreversible change in size of cells and plant organs

Which cell organelles resemble following 1 Kitchen of plant 2 Storage organ 3 Brain?

Organs: Kitchen of plant - plastids Storage organ - vacuole Brain - nucleus

Why are most storage organs in a plant found underground?

i believe it is there so that it would be in a safer environment away from predators.

How a plant meristem cell knows that it had to develop which organ?

Plant meristem cells are totipotent hence these can develop into an entire plant. Development of different plant organs depends on morphogenesis of that plant.

How is mitosis important in organisms?

it helps with growth,development, and helps replace old, dead cells with new ones.

Why is important that plant need to spread away from parent plant?

To get better opportunities for growth and development

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What are the organism of a plant?

There are many different organs in a plant. These organs include but are not limited to the phloem and xylem.

What is the reproduction of the bean plant?

There are two reproductive organs of a bean plant. These two reproductive organs of a bean plant are the ovary and stamen.

What is true about plant development?

Plant development continues throughout the life of a plant(: