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B. the effort is applied closer to the fulcrum than the load.

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Q: Why is the elbow considered third class lever?
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What class lever does trolley belong to?

Yes, a trolley is considered a second class lever. A hammer is considered a third class lever. Also, a clothes pin is considered a third class lever.

Is fishing rod first class lever?

3rd class lever

What class of lever is a baseball bat?

A Third Class lever...

Is racket badminton third class lever?

No. The racket is an extension to the arm, and the fulcrum is either the wrist or the elbow, with the force being the muscle and the load being the racket/badminton. This makes it a first class lever, unless you are swinging on an inside curl, not a normal swing, in which case it would be a third class lever. The difference is biceps (third class) versus triceps (first class).

Is a baseball bat a lever?

yes, it belongs to the third class lever. it is considered a lever because the force is between the effort and the resistance. THANK YOU

What kind of lever is the hockey stick?

It is a third class lever.

What class lever of grass shear?

third class lever

What class of lever is grass shear?

third class lever

What Class lever is a domino?

Yes, it is a 3rd Class Lever.

What class lever is a screwdriver opening a paint can?

It is a third class lever.

Why is a fishing pole a 3rd class lever?

A third class lever is a lever where the force is applied between the fulcrum and the load. A fishing rod is a third class lever if it is fixed at the base and the hand holding the rod is between that fulcrum and the other end of the rod. It is also a third class lever by extension of your arm, wherein the fulcrum is your elbow and the force is your biceps or triceps muscle, which attaches close to that fulcrum.In a limiting case, a fishing rod is a first class lever if it is supported between the ends and you hold it at a point beyond that fixed fulcrum. This is not common, I think.

Is nail cutter a third class lever too?

yes the knife is a lever but i am not sure whether it is first class or third class lever.