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The electoral college consists of 538 electors, 435 for the 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, 100 for the 100 seats in the U.S. Senate, and 3 that D.C. is allowed to appoint according to the 23rd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Each of the 50 states appoints a number of electors equal to the total number of Senators and Representatives to which it is entitled in the U.S. Congress, and D.C. appoints the number of electors that it would if it were a state, but never more than the number of electors of the least populous state.

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Q: Why is the electorial votes 438 and not 435?
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Who votes and decides who the president of the united is?

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What must cast their state's formal votes for president?

electorial college

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FDR got the most in the 1936 election. He won every state except Maine and Vermont for a total of 523 electorial votes!

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A majority of 435 votes is 218 votes.

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How many electorial votes are there?

538. A president needs 268 to win.

What is the purpose of the popular votes?

"Popular Vote" is the majority of a state's vote. If a candidate for president with the most popular votes in a state gets all of that state's electorial votes. An Example: More than half of Nevada's vote goes to candidate B than A, then Candidate B gets the electorial vote for Nevada which is five.

How many electorial votes did Andrew Jackson receive?

99 in 1824, 178 in 1828 and 219 in 1832.