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Q: Why is the ground more fertile around volcanoes?
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it makes the ground more fertile around the roses.

Why did Americans planters move to Hawaii?

American planters moved to Hawaii because of the fertile soil. The fertile soil came from the volcanoes beneth the islands of Hawaii.The volcanoes gave the fertile soil. To find out more on Google write Hawaiian islands

Why did people move west to florida during the 1800s?

There was more room and the ground was more fertile

Why do some volcanic eruptions kill more people than others?

Volcanoes' eruptions eventually result in fertile ground, which tends to attract farming communities. Some people are able to avoid the pyroclastic flow better than other people.

What does flood water do to the ground?

It soaks in, thus rendering farm land more fertile.

Why are flood plain soils particularly fertile?

Because when it floods, the water (containing minerals) seeps into the ground, and the ground is then has far more minerals then usual. When the water flows / drains away, the minerals are left and the land is very fertile.

What is comparative and superlative degree of fertile?

more fertile, most fertile

How can succession make a community's soil more fertile?

Succession can make soil more fertile by not plowing the ground so much. If your soil is not fertile than that means the soil is either drifting away in the wind or you are just not taking enough care into the soil. I hope that helps.

Are volcanoes evenly distributed or concentrated in zones?

Volcanoes are more frequent around the "ring of fire", by japan, California, Australia, and Alaska.

What is the superlative for fertile?

Most fertile is the superlative for fertile.

What positive effects did the eruption of Mt Vesuvius have on the town Pompeii?

All volcanoes add ash to soil that keeps the ground fertile, otherwise, I can't think of any other good affects. The volcanic ash preserved the people and the structures that it covered, allowing our archeologists to have a more accurate picture of life in Pompeii.

Does the moon have more volcanoes?

No. There are no volcanoes on the moon.