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plants produce glucose through photosynthesis, and store it the form of starch which is nothing more than a chain of glucose molecules, the plants can use these starch reserves for energy in a pinch/in the dark

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13y ago
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12y ago

Well, if you test for glucose, any bacteria present on your leaf will contribute to the measurements, too. Starch, however, is only produced by plants, so you'll know for sure that all of your results are due to the leaf and not due to contamination.

Also, I'd say that starch is easier to test for, since the molecules are way bigger.

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14y ago

It's because the product of photosynthesis is a starch

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11y ago

coz usme chlorophyll hai its relly true

from vartika jain

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Q: Why is the leaf tested for starch and not glucose to see if photosynthesis has taken place?
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How does the presence of starch show photosynthesis has taken place?

The presence of starch indicates that photosynthesis has taken place because starch is a storage form of glucose produced during photosynthesis. This process involves converting light energy into chemical energy, which is used to synthesize glucose. Starch is the final product of this conversion and serves as a long-term energy store in plants.

How does starch's location in leaves prove photosynthesis?

Starch is a storage form of glucose produced through photosynthesis. Finding starch in leaves indicates that photosynthesis has occurred, as it is a product of the process. Therefore, the presence of starch in leaves serves as evidence that photosynthesis has taken place in the plant.

How do you know photosynthesis has taken place?

Photosynthesis has occurred when plants produce oxygen as a byproduct, and this can be observed by the presence of bubbles forming on the plant's leaves or stems. Additionally, an increase in the plant's biomass, such as growth in height or the development of new leaves, can indicate that photosynthesis is taking place. Finally, measuring the amount of carbon dioxide consumed by the plant and the amount of oxygen released can provide quantitative evidence of photosynthesis.

How is starch linked to photosynthesis?

Green plants are producers. This means that they can survive without animals! They can make lots of organic chemicals from a few simple inorganic chemicals. They need simple things like carbon dioxide and water and can make complex things like sugar, starch, fat, and proteins.

Why leaves have starch?

Starch is the main carbohydrate found in plant tubers and seed endosperm in the form of granules. Starch contains mylose and amylopectin molecules. It is found in various carbohydrates such as white bread, potatoes, beans and rice.

Where in a plant cell does glucose form?

Glucose is formed in plant cells through the process of photosynthesis, which takes place in the chloroplasts. During photosynthesis, light energy is converted into chemical energy, allowing the plant to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water.

What would be the conclusion after testing a leaf for starch?

Starch is produced by leaves during Photosynthesis, therefore if the leaf has not been exposed to light then it will not contain starch, and so when tested the Iodine will stay Yellow/Brown. Consequently if the leaf has been left in the light Photosynthesis will have taken place and when tested the Iodine will go Blue/Black showing that Starch is present. Hope this helps :)

What plant organ is modified to produce onion bulbs?

The bulb of an onion is formed from modified leaves. While photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of an onion containing chloroplast, the little glucose that is produced from this process is converted in to starch (starch granules) and stored in the bulb.

The neccessity of factor for photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and glucose is essential for photosynthesis to take place. The equation for photosynthesis; carbon dioxide + glucose = oxygen + water. This can be reversed for the respiration equation.

Where does glucose-making take place in photosynthesis?

It is the dark reaction.It takes place in stroma.

What is the name of the chemical that plants often store their food?


The glucose-making part of photosynthesis takes place in the .?
