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the reaction in which glucose molecules are formed from starch is a Hydrolisis reaction

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1mo ago

The conversion of starch molecules into reducing sugars involves a hydrolysis reaction, where water molecules break the glycosidic bonds in the starch molecules. This process results in the formation of simpler sugars such as glucose, maltose, and maltotriose that are capable of reducing agents like Benedict's reagent.

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15y ago

the reaction which converts glucose into starch is a condensation reaction. two glucose molecules are joined together through the reaction to form starch and a small molecule (usually water).

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chemical change

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aerobic respiration

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Q: What type of reaction takes place when starch molecules are converted into reducing sugars?
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How is excess sugar produced during photosynthesis converted into starch?

Excess sugar produced during photosynthesis is converted into starch through a process called polymerization. Enzymes like starch synthase help link glucose molecules together to form starch chains. This starch is stored in plant cells and serves as an energy reserve for the plant.

What type of chemical reaction would be involved in the formation of glucose from strach or glycogen?

The process of forming glucose from starch or glycogen involves a hydrolysis reaction. Specifically, it is a hydrolysis reaction because water is used to break down the glycosidic bonds in starch or glycogen, resulting in the release of glucose molecules.

What is converted to starch by plants?

Plants convert glucose into starch through the process of photosynthesis. Glucose is produced during photosynthesis using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Starch serves as a storage form of energy for plants.

Which enzyme converts starch into maltose?

The enzyme that converts starch into maltose is amylase. Amylase breaks down the long chains of starch molecules into smaller maltose units through a hydrolysis reaction. This process occurs in the mouth and small intestines as part of the digestive process.

Substrates are converted into what substances by enzymes?

Substrates are converted into products by enzymes. This conversion occurs through catalyzing specific chemical reactions, which can involve breaking down or combining molecules to produce the desired end products.

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What is the chemical reaction between lugols solution and a starch?

The reaction between Lugol's solution (iodine) and starch forms a blue-black complex. Iodine molecules fit into the helical structure of starch molecules, producing this characteristic color change. This reaction is commonly used to test for the presence of starch in a solution.

When animals store energy in starch when energy is needed what can these molecules be broken down into?

Starch molecules can be broken down into glucose molecules when energy is needed. Glucose is a simple sugar that can be easily converted into energy by cells through the process of cellular respiration.

What is result when silver nitrate is added to a starch?

When silver nitrate is added to starch, no reaction occurs. Silver nitrate does not react with starch molecules.

How are starch and glycerin related?

Starch is a polysaccharide made of glucose molecules, while glycerin is a simple sugar alcohol. Starch can be broken down into glucose molecules, which can then be converted into glycerin through a series of biochemical reactions in some organisms. This means that starch can be a potential source for the production of glycerin.

Why does iodine react with sugar?

Iodine reacts with sugar due to a chemical reaction called iodine starch reaction. Iodine forms a complex with starch molecules, giving a characteristic blue-black color. As sugar molecules can also form a complex with iodine, they can interfere with the reaction, leading to a color change.

How does iodine react on starch?

Iodine reacts with starch to form a dark blue or purple complex. This reaction is used as a test to detect the presence of starch in a substance. The blue color is a result of iodine molecules getting trapped within the helical structure of starch molecules.

How does NaCl affect the rate at which amylase hydrolyse starch?

NaCl can inhibit the activity of amylase by disrupting the enzyme's structure and altering its ability to bind to starch molecules. At high concentrations, NaCl can denature the enzyme, reducing its catalytic efficiency and slowing down the rate of starch hydrolysis.

How is excess sugar produced during photosynthesis converted into starch?

Excess sugar produced during photosynthesis is converted into starch through a process called polymerization. Enzymes like starch synthase help link glucose molecules together to form starch chains. This starch is stored in plant cells and serves as an energy reserve for the plant.

How does the iodine test work?

The iodine test is based on the reaction between iodine and starch. Iodine molecules interact with the helical structure of starch molecules to form a blue-black complex. This color change indicates the presence of starch in a solution.

Why iodine is specific dye to detect starch?

The reaction of the starch changing colour is the result of the formation of polyiodide chains from the reaction of starch and iodine. The amylose, or straight chain portion of starch, forms helices where iodine molecules assemble, forming a dark purple/black color.

What bonds with starch to form a dark color?

When starch is heated or exposed to certain chemicals, it can undergo a chemical reaction with amino acids or other reducing sugars present, leading to the formation of a dark color. This reaction is known as the Maillard reaction and is responsible for the browning of starch-containing foods during cooking or processing.

Chemical reaction by which starch is split into mono-saccharides?

The chemical reaction that splits starch into monosaccharides is called hydrolysis. This process involves the addition of water to break the glycosidic bonds between the sugar units in the starch molecule, leading to the formation of individual glucose molecules. This reaction is catalyzed by enzymes such as amylase in the digestive system.