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The moon does not radiate any heat or light of its own, it merely reflects the sun's heat and light. But since the moon is many times smaller than the sun, it only receives a small fraction of the heat and light -- and much less when it is in the shadow of the earth. However, most of the heat and light striking the moon is absorbed by the moon itself, or is reflected into space, thus there's very little reflected back to earth.

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Q: Why is the light of the moon not as hot as the sun's light?
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How are the sun and moon different?

The sun is a star that is extremely hot and is a source of light for the planet. While the moon is a mass that orbits around earth and reflects light.

Why the moon is so hot?

It is almost absolute zero degrees on the moon. It has no atmosphere to hold in the suns heat and its core is cold and dead. It shines only in reflected light.

Were does the moon and earth get its light from?

The moon and earth get there light from the sun when the sun shines onto the moon the moon reflects the suns light onto the earth.

Does the moon creates its own light?

No, the suns light bounces off of it.

Does the moon absorb the suns light?

Yes, some.

Can the moon be also called a full moon?

yes when half the moon is reflecting the suns light

Why doesn't the moon not make light?

The moon is not a star. The moon only reflects the suns light. Only stars make light. Our sun is a star.

How come the moon reflects the suns light and things on earth dont reflect the suns light?

The moon reflects the suns light and things on the eart do notreflect it because it is at an angle in which the light does not reach earth. So if the light falls on the earth at night there would be light but because it not reflect it on earth it is dark at night.

Can you explain why the moon is not a source of light?

The moon is not a source of light because it simply reflects the suns light, therefore it is not a direct source of light

When the suns light is blocked by the moon?

That is known as a solar eclipse

Is the moon a light souse?

technically it reflects the suns light back towards the earth

What is the same about the moon and sun?

you can see both from earth, only the sun is a light source. the moon reflects the suns light