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Q: Why is the medulla oblongata called the vital centera'?
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The vital center are located in the?

In the "Medulla oblongata". Medulla oblongata contains cardiac and respiratory centres. It also contains the vasomotor and vomiting centre. Medulla oblongata forms the lower half of the brain stem.

Which vital reflex centers are located in the brainstem?

Medulla Oblongata

What are the vital centers that regulate breathing and the heartbeat?

medulla oblongata

What part of the brain located just below the cerebrum controls involuntary movements such as the beating of a heart?

The whole structure is called the brain stem. The brain stem is divided up into three sections: midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. Regulation of vital functions occurs in your medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata is sometimes referred to as the vital center.

Where are the vital centers that regulate respiration and the heart are located?

Medulla oblongata

What are the vital centers for control of heart rate respiration and blood pressure located in?

Medulla Oblongata

what is the function of medulla and cerebellum?

The medulla oblongata is most vital part of the brain bcoz it controls the respiratory system . the medulla oblongata regulates involuntary functions, or those that are not under our control such as breathing and heart rate.

What part of the brainstem has nerve centers that control many vital processes?

medulla oblongata

Will you die if there is trauma to your brain stem?

If there is serious trauma to the medulla oblongata, a part of the brain stem, you could likely die. This is because the medulla oblongata controls many vital functions such as breathing and heart rate.

What does the medulla and the cerebellum part of the brain do?

The medulla oblongata is most vital part of the brain bcoz it controls the respiratory system . the medulla oblongata regulates involuntary functions, or those that are not under our control such as breathing and heart rate.

Where are the vital centers located?

There are three vital centers in the medulla which control the heartbeat, the rate of breathing, andthe diameter of the blood vessels. Centers that help coordinate swallowing, vomiting, hiccoughing,coughing, and sneezing are also located in the medulla.

What are symptoms of damage to the medulla oblongata?

Symptoms of damage to the medulla oblongata is that the nerve signals between the spinal cord and the brain would no longer be working. The medulla helps to control vital functions of the brain such as breathing, blood pressure and regulating heart rate.