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calcium is a metal which ionizes by electron loss,so a calcium ion has lost to electrons and the positive charge indicates electron deficiency.

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Q: Why is the probable charge of an ion of calcium positive?
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What is the charge of the ion that calcium would form?

Calcium is in group 2. Therefore it's most probable charge is Ca2+.

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How many charges does calcium have?

Calcium has a chrage of +2 or two positive charges

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A "cation" carries positive (+) charge. An "anion" caries a negative (-) charge. The charge carried in may be single or multiple.

What is the cation of calcium oxide?

Calcium and Oxygen are the atoms in Calcium Oxide.

An ion with a positive charge is called?

A positive ion, which is the same thing as "an ion with a positive charge", is called a "cation".

Why is a water molecule more attracted to calcium ion than sodium ion?

A calcium ion has two positive charges compared to only one for a sodium ion. Therefore, the positive charge density of a calcium ion is higher and correspondingly better able to increase the polarity of the covalent bonds in the water molecules, thereby the reducing the energy of the solution as a whole.

Does carbonate have calcium carbonate in it?

No. The carbonate ion contains only carbon and oxygen. Since it is a negative ion, it must combine with some positive ion. If that positive ion is calcium, you get calcium carbonate.

Is calcium positive or negative charge?

Remember the talk about the "outer electrons" you learned about? Sodium (Na) has 1 electron in the outer most electron orbital. Calcium (Ca) has, you guessed it, 2 electrons in its' outer most electron orbital. Can you explain the rest to yourself? Remember they had a neutral charge before becoming ionic.

What is the charge of a positive sodium ion?

The charge of a positive sodium ion is +1 C.

What is the charge on the monatomic ion that calcium forms in its compounds?

Calcium forms a 2+ ion.

Do ions have a positive or negative charge?

It depends on what ion it is. If it is a cation, then the ion has a positive charge and an anion has a negative charge.