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First and foremost, the purpose of heat fixing is to drive stain into the bacterial cells, which in this case, you are staining the background, so there is not a need for heat fixing.

Next, the process of heat fixing will shrink the cell by a little. This sorts of support the first reason as since there isn't the need to heat fix, then don't. By not heat-fixing, we actually see a more accurate morphology, arrangement and size of thr bacterial cell.

Hope that my answers helps 😊

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This process is known as heat-fixing. It is to kill the cells and ensure that the cell coagulate to the surface of the slide. Do not forget that you will have to use distilled water to wash off the slide later in the staining process! Heat fixing will ensure that the bacterial cells does not get washed off by the distilled water.

Hope that my answer helps! 😊

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Q: Why is the slide not heat fixed before negative staining?
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Give the reason for passing bacterial smear through the flame before staining?

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