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The speed of light is greatest in a Vacuum....300,000 meters/second. As the density of a transparent medium increases the speed of light decreases.

Recent experiments with Plasma Gases have slowed down light beams to speeds of Feet/second!

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Q: Why is the speed of light is less than into water?
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Is it possible to travel at the speed of light in water?

The speed of light in water is less than the speed of light in space. Only light can travel at the speed of light.

Where is the speed of light greater than the speed of light in water?

The speed of light through vacuum is constant. The speed of light through air is slightly less. The speed of light through water or some other medium is even less than that. The factor by which the speed of light (and its wavelength) is reduced within a medium is called the "index of refraction" (which determines the amount of bending that occurs when light goes from one medium to another).

Is the speed of travel of electricity in a conductor less than or equal to the speed of light?

Nothing is faster than the speed of light.

Is the speed of light in water should be more than the speed of light in a vacuum?

No. Light slows down whenever it passes through water. Nothing is faster than the speed of light in a vaccum.

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When we discuss moving faster than the speed of light, we are really talking... The speed of a shadow is therefor not restricted to be less than the speed...

What is faster than a neutrino?

A photon. Neutrinos have mass and therefore must travel at less than the speed of light. Photons of light travel at the speed of light.

Is the speed of light greater or lesser in air than in water?

The speed is the same. Light travels at a finite speed.

Which is a comparison of the speed of light in a material compared to the speed of light in empty space?

The speed of light in any material medium is less than it is in empty space.

Does sound while passing from air to water also bend towards normal?

The law of refraction is a general result of plane waves traveling from one medium to another. Consider light. The speed of light in water is LESS than its speed in air, and it bends toward the normal (refracts). The speed of sound, however, is GREATER in water than it is in air, thus its "index of refraction" is less than one (i.e. sound bends away from the normal when traveling from air to water).

Can the speed of light be the same in all media?

The speed of light varies, depending on the medium. It also varies a bit depending on the frequency. The speed of light in different materials is less than the speed of light in empty space. When physicists talk about the speed of light being an absolute limit, they're talking about the speed of light in a vacuum. It's perfectly possible for material objects to travel faster than light in a particular medium ... for example, electrons emitted by radioactive elements (beta rays) often move faster than the speed of light in water.

What Glass is denser than water What will happen to the speed of a light ray travelling from glass into water Explain why.?

It slows down from approx 225,408,000 m/s to approx 203,940,000 m/s. However, the speed of light is not directly related to its physical density. The liquid, methylene iodine is less dense than glass but the speed of light through it is 172,590,000 m/s.

If we made a material that had less mass than light would it be able to at least reach light speed?

Photons (light particles) have zero mass, so it is doubtful whether you can make something with LESS mass than that.Anything with a mass of zero can ONLY move at the speed of light.Anything with a positive mass can only move SLOWER than the speed of light.There are good reasons to believe that nothing can move FASTER than the speed of light.