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Q: Why is the tail down on your female black mollie fish?
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How do you tell if a Mollie fish is a male or female?

By performing an experiment

What is the red line coming out of your black mollie fish?

It is poo and will drop off eventually.

I have a female mollie that keeps attacking new fish that I put in my tank 2have died How do can I stop this behavior?

you cant. you have to remove the fish before it does further damage to other fish.

Why are my dalmatian mollies and black mollies vicious?

They may be too crowded. I have heard that mollies need 2-3 gallons per fish. My daughter's male dalmatian Mollie keeps nipping at the female and has killed 2 so far.

To mollie fish eat there babys?


Articles on female mosquitoes?

female mosquito fish have black dot in front of their butt.

Why do black goldfish sit at the bottom of the tank?

my fish also does that. Is your fish a male or female? If it is a female it is probably pregnant. Hope that helps!

Do angelfish do well with black molly fish?

They will co-exist but Angel fish like their water soft, acid and around 80F and Mollys prefer their water hard, alkaline and about 75F.

Black koi fish meaning?

The black koi fish is representative of the male gender, the sun and evil. Where the white is representative of the female gender, the moon and goodness

Can a mollie fish live in a fish bowl?

As Mollies are tropical fish, they need regulated heat and good filtration. My Mollies have been known to dive.

Are guppies a type of mollie?

No, they are different types of fish, but since they are both livebeares, they can interbreed.

How does a Dalmatian mollie fish protect itself?

It will either flee or hide. Probably it will do both.