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Yeast contain enzymes which catalyze (speed up) the rate of chemical reaction and works best at an optimum temperature. If the temperature is too high, the enzymes will be denatured and if the temperature is too low, the enzymes will become inactive so in both cases, the enzymes would not work.

In baking, the enzyme in the yeast is used to help convert sugar into an alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide rises to 'inflate' the dough, hence giving the bread or the baked product a fluffy and spongy texture (like how you see bread get inflated in the oven). And as for the alcohol, since it gets evaporated easily, will be evaporated off. The yeast will die due to the overwhelming heat in the oven.

Hence if the water for mixing yeast is too high or low, the enzymes in the yeast cannot work and you won't get the soft, springy texture in your bread.

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14y ago

if the temperature of the water is too cold, the yeast will stay inactive, and won't rise . If it's too hot, it will kill them. You want it to be lukewarm. Stick a finger in the water and decide. Is it too cold? Is it too hot? Is it the kind of water you could keep your finger in all day long? You've onlt got it right if the answer to the last question is yes. The yeast is a living organism, so it needs to be cared for right, or else it will die or it won't work. Yeast eats sugar, and then it's body reeases carbon which make beer bubbly and bread rise.

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15y ago

thts not a sports ?? thts a cooking 1

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Q: Why is the temperature of the liquid so important when using yeast?
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Are there benefits from using liquid of a particular temperature in pastry?

Some things are affected by the temperature of additives, to cold might change the texture, too hot can kill the yeast.

What temperature must you dissolve yeast into liquid at?

110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit

What temperature does yeast start working?

The ideal temperature for yeast growth is 100 to 115 degrees F, but for leavening purposes, the ideal temperature is 80 to 95 degrees F. If the yeast grows too quickly, it will produce large bubble pockets in the bread. Yeast begins to die at 120 degrees F. So it's important to let your yeast dough rise in a spot where the temperature is stable. The cooler the temperature, the slower the yeast grows. It will grow in the refrigerator, but very slowly. I don't know the minimum temperature for it to grow.

What is yeast suspension?

A yeast suspension is made by mixing yeast cells with a liquid.

How does temperature affect reparation rate of yeast?

Yeast does different things based on temperature.

What factors might effect how well yeast grows?

it depends on the temperature, how much yeast you use, where you are growing it, how your growing it, what you are using to grow it. :) :P have a good science lesson!! :D

Why is it important to maintain a stable temperature when making wine?

The purpose for keeping a stable temperature is to allow the yeast to perform it's best. When you leave yeast in colder temperatures the fermentation process slows down and can even go dormant. If it is to hot, it can kill the yeast culture. You want to keep it a little be higher then room temperature. hope this helps!

What conditions make yeast grow the quickest?

I have discovered that the correct temperature (and out of drafts), and a tablespoon of sugar makes yeast work more quickly. If the liquid used in the recipe is too hot, it will kill the yeast ~ if the liquid is too cool, the yeast do not come "alive." Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar in the warm liquid (milk or water), add the yeast and let it rest for about 2 minutes. Stir the mixture gently to dissolve yeast, cover container and let it get "happy." Then pour this liquid mixture into the dry ingredients ~ voila !

Does dry active yeast reproduce?

No. Yeast can only reproduce while it is a liquid. If it is dry, it will not.

Will yeast give off carbon dioxide without using sugar?

Yes, yeast will produce gas when mixed with warm liquid and starch (flour) without additional sugar. But it will take more time to rise.

How does the temperature of water affect the growth of yeast?

Yeast need warm temperatures in order to grow. The perfect temperature for yeast is about 110 degrees F. Yeast will not start to reproduce and rise without warm temperatures to activate it.

What can you do for a science project that contains science?

There are tons of projects that can be done in a science project using inexpensive ingredients. One project you can do is using dry ice and liquid soap. Another project you can do is get some hydrogen peroxide, liquid soap and active yeast.