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It explains how we got to be the way we are, logically and accurately. Understanding where the appendix came from is useful for understanding how it functions in the body today. The same is true for lots of body parts including systems like the immune system. Hope this helps!
It is also important for doctors because of drug resistant bacterias and viruses which is a direct result of evolution through mutations and natural selection.
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Why is the theory of evolution important to modern biology?


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Why was Darwin's discovery important?

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Charles Darwin work was so important because he invented the theory of evolution

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he discovered natural selection and the theory of evolution

Why was Charles Darwin discovery important?

this is because he looked at how small bacteria evolved through the years & made us, US! Answer Charles Darwin propounded the mechanism of evolution of all life, Natural Selection. Darwin is important as he is famed for the theory that is the baseline of all biology, the Theory of Evolution.

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Theory of evolution refers to animals and plants evolution along the time. Language evolution is another issue, not entirely related to the theory of evolution. It follows the theory of evolution on some way but it is related to culture evolution, not to the physical attributes evolution.

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No theory contradicts evolution. Evolution is the basepoint of all Biology.

Why are Charles Darwins' ideas so important?

He proposed a theory that attempts to explain why and the fact of evolution works.It is, so far, the best and most accurate theory that adequately explains why evolution happens.

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He's not known for a theory of evolution. Darwin is.