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Q: Why is the thermometer kept in the armpit?
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Why are thermometer placed in armpit in getting body thermometer?

There are four ways to get someones temperature: orally (by mouth), axillary (armpit), rectally or they can stick a thermometer in your ear. Axillary is the least accurate but sometimes is the only way to get a persons temperature.

Methods of checking body temperature?

under the tongue or in the armpit

Can body temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer other than the mouth?

Body temperature can also be measured with a thermometer at the armpit i believe.

Where are thermometer kept?

it is kept in a medicine cadinet

What is a classroom thermometer?

A "classroom thermometer" is a thermometer assigned to be kept in a specific classroom.

Where a thermometer should be kept in determining melting point of ice?

fordetermining point of ice,the thermometer should be kept

What do you call the thermometer that you stick in your ...?

It's called a rectal thermometer. It gives a slightly more accurate reading than when put under your tongue or in your armpit.

How is temperature taken through an axillary placement?

In axillary placement, the silver tip of the thermometer is placed under the patient's right armpit, with the patient's arm pressing the instrument against the chest. The thermometer should stay in place for six to seven minutes.

Which parts of body temperature can be taken?

under the tongue, armpit, rectum, ear(with a tempanic thermometer)

Where do you insert the mercury thermometer?

You can take your temperature with a mercury thermometer is several places, the most common is in the mouth under the tongue while another place is under the armpit