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The higher you go the thinner the air gets. If you go to high, you could die from lack of air.


Jet fighters dont have pressurised cabins ( as commercial flights do)

25,000 feet is the crucial point, the lungs are incapable of absorbing oxygen at such low air pressure, a pressure demand mask overcomes this problem.

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12y ago
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14y ago

They use them because at high altitudes the air density gets smaller so they can not breathe.

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14y ago

because the air is thinner so it is harder to breathe

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10y ago

Ozone is present in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere. It protects us from the harmful UV light of the sun.

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13y ago

Yes, there is less everything at higher altitudes until you reach the vacuum of space.The atmosphere holds in less oxygen higher up.

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11y ago

Ummm...humans need oxygen at any altitude :)

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14y ago

you need oxygen in flying in high altitudes because the amount of oxygen in the air gets thinner as the altitude rises..

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9y ago

The air is too thin at high altitude for a human to breath. Oxygen is needed to prevent a pilot (as an example) from blacking out and dying.

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14y ago

You don't.

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Q: Why is there less oxygen in higher altitudes?
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Is the oxygen less at high altitudes?

Yes. Air is less dense at higher altitudes, so the oxygen is at a lower concentration.

In general what is true about places at higher altitudes?

They have cooler temperatures than places at lower altitudes.

What is the adaptation for loading and unloading oxygen at high altitudes?

At higher altitudes, where there is less oxygen available, the body makes more red blood cells, hemoglobin, to carry oxygen more efficiently.

What has air composition to do with why breathing at high altitude is difficult?

It is not so much as the composition that is important, it is that at higher altitudes there is less air. Air is about 20% oxygen, but the higher up you go in altitude, the thinner air will have less oxygen. That's what makes breathing more difficult at higher altitudes.

Why does atheletes who practice at higher altitudes experience lightheaded feeling?

Because there is less oxygen in the air at high altitude.

What happens to the oxygen level at high altitudes?

At high altitudes, the oxygen level decreases because the air is less dense. As you ascend to higher altitudes, the air pressure drops, resulting in lower oxygen levels in the atmosphere. This can lead to symptoms of hypoxia and altitude sickness in individuals who are not acclimated to such conditions.

Why are oxygen masks nessesary when flying at high altitudes?

Oxygen masks are needed at higher altitude because the air is less dense, therefore less air molecules are getting into your lungs when you breath.

At higher altitudes there is less oxygen in the air How might the composition of blood in people living in these higher altitudes differ from the blood in people living at sea level?

In an effort to take in as much Oxygen is available to us, the human body increases the number of RBCs in the system, which also would reflect in a higher Haemoglobin count for such people.

What happens to oxygen as the distance from the surface increases?

As the distance from the surface increases, the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere decreases due to lower air pressure. This decrease in oxygen availability can make it harder for living organisms to breathe at higher altitudes.

Why is it harder to breathe as you climb higher while hiking in the mountains?

As you climb higher the less oxygen you because higher altitudes and because atmospheric pressure is lower, the air molecules and hence the O2 is less concentrated per unit volume.

Why is it more difficult to breath on mountains than on plains?

At higher altitudes, the air pressure is lower. Therefore each breath you take contains less oxygen.

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