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cause cells have vacuoles and animals are made of millions of cells, so they have millions of vacuoles

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13y ago

Some plants need more storage space than others for things like energy or water, and extra vacuoles allow that.

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Q: Why is there more than one Vacuole in some plant cells?
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Does a animal cell have a vacuole?

Vacuoles can be found in all plant and fungal cells and some protist, animal and bacterial cells.

Is vacuole found in fungus?

A vacuole is a membrane bound organelle which is present in all plant and fungal cells and some protist, animal and bacterial cells.

Do a plant cell have more than one vacuole?

It can, the number and size of vacuoles in animal cells varies. The vacuoles in animal cells are usually small, but some animal cells have no vacuoles at all.

What is the major physical difference between vacuoles in an plant cell and vacuoles in an animal cell?

In a plant cell the vacuole is much larger than the animal cells vacuole. The plant cells vacuole mostly contains water. In the animal cells vacuole it is used to store waste.Animal cells do not have vacuoles. Only plant cells

What does the vacuole do in a plant cell?

A vacuole stores nutrients for later use in all cells including the plant cell

Do human cells have vacuole?

All plant cells have vacuoles. Most fungal cells have vacuoles. Animals cells have lysosomes instead of vacuoles. Some animal cells may have a vacuole-like structure that stores water or gases, but these are not true vacuoles.

Are vacuoles found in plant or animal cells?

The organelle, the vacuole is found in both plant and animal cells. In animal cells they are small and are associated with the colelction and disposal of waste/ by-products within the cell. In plants the vacuole is large and provides internal structure and pressue within the cell, contributing to the shape and rigidity of the plant cell.

Does animal cells have vacuoles?

Yes, animal cells do contain vacuoles, smaller than those found in plant cells but greater in number. Some animal cells do not however, have any vacuoles.

Does the vacuole live in a plant or an animal?

Vacuole's are found in plant cells. They are large areas in the center of the cell usually holding water and some enzymes. The vacuole performs many functions for the cell such as supporting the plant, maintaining pressure and pH, holding waste and threat particles, and exporting unwanted substances.

What are the 3 differences between plant cell and animal cell?

A Plant cell has a chloroplast whereas an animal cell does not. A plant cell has a large prominent vacuole whereas an animal does not have a large vacuole. It may only have small vacuoles though in some no vacuoles will be seen. A plant cell has a cell wall whereas an animal cell does not.

What are three ways that a plant cells is different from an animal cell?

There are a range of differences. Some are listed below: Plant cells are enclosed by a cellulose cell wall whereas animal cells are not. Some plant cells have chloroplasts whereas animal cells never have chloroplasts. Plant cells have a large, permanent central vacuole whereas animal cells have small, temporary vacuoles. Plant cells are interconnected by plasmodesmata whereas animal cells are not. Animal cells have centrioles whereas plant cells do not.

In how many ways are plant and animal cells different?

There are some ways in which plant cells and animal cells differ. Plant cells contain a cell wall whereas animals cells only have a cell membrane. Plant cells contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis whereas animal cells do not. Plant cells have a large central vacuole for water storage whereas animal cells do not. Plant cells do not have lysosomes whereas animal cells do.