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because they can breathe through their skin

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Q: Why is there no need for complicated lungs for frog?
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Related questions

Does frog don't have a need of lungs when they are underwater?

Obviously not.

Why is it necessary for a frog to be able to breathe through its lungs?

It is neccesarily because frogs are amphibians and therefore to be on land they need lungs to breathe

Which animals have three lungs?

The blue whale has the largest lungs but the harbor porpoise has thlargest lung capacity.

Why frog live under water if it have lungs?

They are amphibians. They need the moisture on their skin. It also need air to breathe.

Does a frog have lungs?


What has lungs and gills?

The lungfish has both gills and lungs.

What is pulmocutaneous artery of frog?

An artery which goes to the lungs, and the skin, making it possible for the frog to breathe through the skin, and not the lungs.

How can a frog live on land and in water?

They are born with gills, but develop lungs in metamorphosis. Even when they have lungs, they still need water or else they will dry up and die.

How does a Darwin frog breathe?

With lungs

What color is a frogs lungs?

The color of frog's lungs are a purplish brown.

Does a reptile breathe out of its lungs scales or skin?

Adult Bull Frog

What animal does not breath with their lungs?

frog and birds