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The progressive era was a time in America from the 1890s to about 1920 or so. It was a time when both Republicans and Democrats worked to try and put an end to political corruption, and to bring about important reforms in many areas of society. It was also the era when the "muckrakers"-- investigative reporters at some influential magazines as well as authors of books, wrote exposés of dangerous working conditions in factories, harmful and unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry, the need to end child labor, and corruption and influence-peddling in government.

Progressives were reacting against the greed of the "Gilded Age," when certain corporations and business leaders prospered and everyone else struggled. The progressive movement wanted a more fair and equitable society, where the super-rich could not do whatever they wanted. Progressives fought to achieve a wide range of goals including the right of women to vote and expansion of opportunities for black people; progressives also wanted to see an expansion of literacy and improvement of the schools, especially in poor and rural communities.

It should be noted that not everything the progressives wanted to do got accomplished, and some in the movement supported such fringe beliefs as eugenics, or wanted to ban alcohol (Prohibition). But others were more committed to making society more egalitarian and less corrupt. They were also very much in favor of analyzing social problems from a scientific rather than an anecdotal perspective. They promoted the study of the Social Sciences, and they encouraged more young people to graduate high school and attend college. (In the previous century, college was only for the upper-class elites, and progressives wanted a wider range of people to have access to education.)

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11y ago
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9y ago

The Progressive Era began as a social movement disputing Social Darwinism. They were, for the most part, college educated urban individuals who believed the problems of society such as racism and poverty could be eliminated with improvements in education and the workplace.

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9y ago

it all happen with a huge atomic explosion on the USA, when the Nazi join forces with the KKK killing all Black's and many different race. unfortunately they enslave humanity except the white. in today society we are struggling for are survival and freedom from White's.

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13y ago

The Progressive Era began with the modified theory of Social Darwinism and the eminent corruption within their government.

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