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Q: Why is understanding Andrew Jackson and democracy important today?
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What were Andrew Jackson and Garfield famous for?

Andrew Jackson was famous for being a president and for "making" the democracy called "Jacksonian" Democracy, which was a democracy that followed Jackson's political and physical philosophies.

What was Andrew Jackson's view about democracy?

Andrew Jackson was not a believer in democracy. He is one president who used his veto powers more than any other president.

What was the name of politics that Andrew Jackson started?

Jacksonian Democracy

What did Andrew Jackson call his system?

Andrew Jackson called his system of political beliefs and practices "Jacksonian Democracy."

What politician came to symbolize the triumph of American democracy?

Andrew Jackson

What events and ideas connected to Andrew Jackson led to patterns of change in the US?

Jacksonian democracy is the political philosophy of the United States politician Andrew Jackson and his supporters. Jackson's polocies followed the era of Jefferson democracy which dominated the previous political era!

Why was Andrew Jackson important as a president?

Andrew Jackson was such an important because be brought government to the people and he knew how to have a good time.

Who was the greatest symbol of democracy in the late 1820?

The best symbol Democracy in the 1820s was Andrew Jackson. That's if you think forcing Native Americans on death marches is more noble than emancipating slaves.

Why was Andrew Jackson so important as a president?

Andrew Jackson was such an important because be brought government to the people and he knew how to have a good time.

What political movement was Andrew Jackson associated with?

Andrew Jackson was associated with what was referred to as Jacksonian democracy. The movement was focused around greater democracy for regular, everyday people. Jackson was the 7th President of the U. S.

Andrew Jackson like a king or a president?

It is important to know what the important historical figures are, and what they did. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States.

What are some of President Andrew Jackson's notables?

Some of Jackson's notables would be the Jacksonian Democracy, Jackson's Indian Removal Act, the Spoils System and Jackson's war on the Banks