

Why is vapor the same to ice?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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9y ago

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No. Vapor is a substance in its gaseous state. Ice is water in its solid state.

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Are water ice and water vapour the same type of matter?

Yes, water ice and water vapor are the same types of matter. Its only the state of matter that is different. Water ice is solid and water vapor is gas.

How are ice liquid water and water vapor the same?

Solid (ice), liquid and vapor (steam) are (chemically) all of the same compound WATER with one chemical formula H2O, but in three different physical states of matter.

How is liquid water ice and water vapor similar?

The chemical formula is the same -H2O.

Is it true that the material of which ice and water vapor are made is the same?

Yes, it is true - the molecule is H2O.

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sublimation The vapor from the dry ice will extinguish the flame from the candle.

How does ice to water to water vapor?

Heat causes the ice to melt into water and the water evaporates into vapor.

How is water ice and water vapor alike?

the speed of the water vapor molecules can be decreased to produce ice

How much oxygen does it take to produce water vapor?

The percentage of oxygen in water, vapors or ice is the same.

Which is fastest ice water or water vapor?

The particles in water vapor are faster than the particles in ice water.

What do water vapor ice and liquid water have in common?

They all have the same chemical composition, ie, they are all H2O.

Is ice to water a new substance?

No. Its called water. Ice is water, water is water, water vapor is water; all are in different states of the same compound.

What is it called when water vapor turns to ice?

Ice Fog