

Why is wheat flour most suitable for making biscuits?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Why is wheat flour most suitable for making biscuits?
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Why do you add white flour to whole wheat biscuits?

If you just used whole wheat flour, the biscuits would be very heavy and coarse.

How is maida manufacture?

maida is a highly refined wheat flour,used in making biscuits,bakery items etc.

Is whole wheat flour vegan?

Yes, whole wheat flour is suitable for a vegan diet.

What use does wheat have?

Wheat flour is used in piecrust, biscuits, and breakfast foods. Wheat is also used in the manufacture of whiskey and beer.

What is the most common flour used in bread making?

Wheat flour i guess

Are there any substitutions for teff flour?

Teff can be used as a substitute for wheat. If you are making injera bread but teff flour is not available, you can use wheat flour, rice flour, or barley flour.

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The recipe for whole wheat bread requires 3 cups of bread flour, and 1 cup of whole wheat flour, making the ratio of whole wheat flour to total flour used to be 1:4.

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What is rajagro flour?

Rajagro Flour is a wheat flour used in India. This flour is commonly used in Gujarat during Agyarus fasts. Rajagro Flour is used to make flatbreads and biscuits. Rajagro Flour is mixed with ghee, milk and sugar to make the popular sweet dish, Shiero. I really don't know exactly how it is different from regular wheat flour but I have heard it is from a different type of wheat usually grown in India.

Why do northern plains are called bread basket of India?

Ahh, I remember the colonial times, my friend was one. It is called a breadbasket because the soil in the land is suitable. You see, the climate is pretty seasonal, and it is pretty suitable for wheat. Wheat is used to make flour, flour means bread. Since the land is suitable for wheat growing, they grow lots of wheat easily. Lots of wheat = lots of flour = lots of bread! Well, this is from the notes I took from my friends and teachers when I was way younger, but I do have my notebook handy!