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One of the main reasons there is starvation in Africa is political difficulty that is found a lot in many African countries. Political troubles cause starvation in children and cause them to go for days without food. War has also caused neediness for children in many African countries. War causes economic and social instability and then increases a country's military budget. This leaves less for the benefit of African children. African families get food through farming. In recent years, due to global warming, droughts are common and entire families struggle to put food on the table for their children. The HIV pandemic has caused many children to lose their parents. This is a plunge into scarcity, end of education, and starvation increases

(feel free to use this for a report or whatever, but I would change it up a little otherwise it would be plagerism. u can be arested for it.)

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Q: Why is world hunger happening?
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There are several online websites that provide statistics about world hunger. World Hunger, Move for Hunger, Feed One and Stop the Hunger are online sources where one could find these statistics.

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World Hunger Year was created in 1975.

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World hunger. Lots of blacks suffer from world hunger, and if we help them, it'll also help with racism.

Who is the author of To A Hunger Free World?

M.S.Swaminathan is the author of the book 'To A Hunger Free World'?

What are some of the facts about world hunger?

In 2012, World Hunger affected 925,000,000 people, with the largest percentage of the affected living in Asia and the pacific. World hunger doesn't simply refer to 'hunger', but to a lack of food in countries throughout the world.

How do you use hunger in a sentence?

World hunger is a big problem.

What is World Hunger?

World Hunger is when several countries or a whole Continent goes without or with little food.