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Maybe it isn't getting enough heat. Try putting it on a heating pad and wrapping it in a blanket for a few hours.

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Q: Why is your 2 day old puppy so cold and cant move?
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When can a puppie go outside?

I have had 7 dogs throughout my life and each time I have let the puppy out the first day i get him in my garden but stayed close by at all times. However if the puppy is very young i would only let it out about a fortnight after getting him, incase he gets cold or scared.

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At lest once a day or get puppy pads some can go in a litter box if you train it right.

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NO. you should not bthe a puppy his first day home

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well maybe its scead of its surroundings even though it cant see its got a strong smell and hearing but it might be because the milk isn't right or the puppy isn't get enoigh

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March 23, 2011

Why can't you move in your dream?

dreams are like out of body experiances. for everyone it is different. for me i can move in my dream it all depends on how your life is. see if u feel stressed out one day then your dream is going to be a bit okward or confusing like"why cant i move" or "why cant i stop this?" if you had a good day then your dreams will be normal or better depending on how good a day it was... if this bothers you alot.. i would seriously consider going to a sleep doctor ................. sweet dreams

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I have the same thing but cold fingers during the day! I cant figure out what it is.. Did you ever figure it out?

What day does the pink puppy come in Animal Crossing Wild World?

There is no pink puppy in AC:WW.

What does it mean when your hands are cold all day?

To have your hands cold all day means that you are to skinny. People with cold hands all day should not be on a diet. If you cant prevent to have your hands cold, you should wear gloves of boil water and steam your hands till they get warm. Keep your hands moist, lotion would be best. The brand True Blue is a really good brand for moist hands.

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He had a vegetative state which means he cant move, he can only move his eyes, its kind of like a coma, look it up on wikipedia, it explains ell of what it is

Why do cobras like the day time?

Cobras are cold blooded. Like all snakes, they get their warmth from the environment. The warm sunshine allows them to move freely, the cold can make them sluggish.